1. Fall in 集合    Dismiss 解散
2. count off 报数
3. Attention /Stand to attention立正
4. Extend 散开  Close 合拢  About face 向后转  Turn around 转过身来
5. 5 minutes’ break  休息五分钟
6. Ready 准备  Go开始
7. Stand at ease 稍息
8. One step forward march向前一步走
9. Three steps back 后退三步
10. Eyes front 向前看  Eyes left 向左看起
11. salute敬礼  salute the national flag 向国旗敬礼    Over 礼毕
12. bow 鞠躬敬礼
13. Take the oath 宣誓
13. Read aloud the Taekwondo spirit 恭颂跆拳道精神
14. Good morning,Coach!教练早上好
15.Thank you,Coach! 谢谢教练    So long,Coach 教练再见
16.See you next time 回头见  See you tonight 晚上见  See you tomorrow 明天见
  See you next week 下周见
17.I learn Taekwondo in Hong Qi gymnasium我在宏旗道馆学跆拳道
18.Hong Qi gymnasium is located at Shanshui Lake,Xiegang Town.宏旗道馆在谢岗镇山水湖
19.I have been learning Taekwondo for 3 months 我学跆拳道三个月了
20.I’m afraid of actual  combat  Classes 我怕上实战课
21.I must win the championship in the next Taekwondo tournament 下届锦标赛我一定要拿到冠军
22.May I go to the washroom 我可不可以上个厕所? Go ahead去吧 No,you can’t 不准去
23.Come over here过来  Demonstrate做个示范  Get back回到位置上去
see you tonight24. May I take a class off ? 我能请一节课假吗?
25.I am a green belt in Taekwondo 我跆拳道绿带
26. You’d better warm up in case of injury你最好热身,以防受伤
27. He can’t come today because he got injured in his leg.他腿受伤了今天不能来
28. What’s your degree in Taekwondo你跆拳道是什么级别?
29.My Taekwondo uniform hasn’t been dry 我的道服还没干
30.Can you kick the board broken.你能踢断木板吗?
31.referee 主裁判   judge 边裁
32.It’s not allowed to kick the opponent’s legs 不许踢对方腿部
33.He was knocked down in the actual combat class today他在今天的实战课中被击倒了
34.Front kick 前踢 roundhouse kick 横踢 side kick 侧踢;
axe kick下劈 back kick后踢  whirl kick 旋风踢  
hook kick钩踢  Back spinning kick后旋踢 double kick双方
34.up kick 上抬腿,正踢腿;     crescent kick外摆腿 
twisting kickl里合腿,内摆腿;  knee raising 提膝(运动
35. Poomsae 品势 Pattern one太极一章  Pattern two太极二章
Pattern eight太极八章
  Hong Qi One 宏旗一章    Hong Qi Two 宏旗二章
36. horse stance马步. Thrust Punch 冲拳forward stance 弓步
  Thrust Punch with horse stance 马步冲拳
  Thrust Punch with forward stance弓步冲拳
37. Ligament training柔韧训练
Front leg pressing正压腿    Side leg pressing 侧压腿
Instep pressing 压脚背      lie down for thirty seconds 躺下30 
  Hurdles type pressing跨栏压      Proneness pressing 前俯压
  横劈叉 lateral split            纵劈叉 front split
38.warming up热身运动
  wrist and ankle turning 踝腕运动(俗称手腕脚腕)
Hip movement 髋部运动      knees movement膝部运动(又称膝绕环
Shoulders rolling肩绕环    arm pressing 掰手臂
Head Movement 头部运动      Carried high leg高抬腿