1.—I’m sorry, but the manager isn’t here yet. Shall I have him call you when he comes back?—No, I’ll call him later. If I call again in half an hour, do you think he      ?
A.arrives B.has arrived C.will arrive D.will have arrived 【答案】D
即学即练:Tom      in the library every night over the last three months.
A. works
B. worked
C. has been working
D. had been working
解析:C。句意:“在过去的三个月里,Tom每天晚上都在图书馆里学习。”题干中出现的over the last three months,是明显提示用现在完成进行时或现在完成时。故选C。
2.—May I speak to your manager Mr. W illiams at five o’clock tonight?
—I’m sorry. Mr. Williams ________ to a conference long before then.
A.would have gone    B.had gone
C.will have gone    D.has gone
考查时态。句意:-----今晚五点我可以和你的经理威廉先生说话吗?-----对不起。在那以前他将已经去开会啦。根据上下文可知before then指的是before five o’clock tonight "到今晚五点之前",所以用将来完成时,表示将来某个时间将已经做某事。故选C。
3. ----Father seems worn out.
----Why not have a family tour? A week’s holiday_______ him back to normal.
A.had brought B.is bringing
C.will be bringing D.will have brought
4.—Is Tom still smoking?
—No.By next Saturday he _____________ for a whole month without smoking a single cigarette.
A.will go B.will have gone C.goes D.has been going 【答案】B
试题分析:考查时态。根据句中时间状语By next Saturday到下个周六为止,故用将来完成时。句意:——汤姆任然吸烟吗?——不了,到下个周六为止,他整整一个月没抽一支烟。故B正确。
5.—I      my project by the time you come to London.
—Great. This way you can act as my guide.
A.finish    B.have finished    C.will be finishing    D.will have finished
【答案】Dsee you tonight
试题分析:考查时态。句意:-到你来伦敦的时候,我将已经完成我的工程了。 -棒极了!这样你就可以做我的导游了。 By the time后跟过去的时间,主句用过去完成时;后跟将来的时间,主句用将来完成时。by the time you come to London“到你来到伦敦的时候”,表示的是将来的时间,故主句用will have done sth。故选D。
6.By the time Peter comes back from the meeting, we__________ here for three hours. A.will be waiting B.is waiting
C.will wait D.will have waited
考查时态。by the time 引导的时间状语从句的主句一般用将来完成时。
7. If we don't hurry up, everything ________ by the time we get to the party.
A.will be eaten B.is eaten
C.has been eaten D.will have been eaten
D 考察时态。句义:如果我们不快点,当我们到达宴会的时候,所有的东西可能都已经被吃完了。If引导条件状语从句,从句是一般现在时,故主句要使用将来时,且由by the
8.By the time I see you again, I _______ from that school.
A.have graduated B.graduated C.will have graduated D.graduate
试题分析:句意:到我再次看见你为止,我将已经从那个学校毕业了。By the time是连词短语,连接时间状语从句,往往和完成时连用,因为时间状语从句是一般现在时,主句是将来完成时,选C。
9.You are hardworking and surely most of you _____ a college admission notice by the end of September this year.
A.will receive B.will be receiving
C.will be received D.will have received
10.He _________ English for eight years by the time he graduates from the university next year. A.will learn B.will have learned C.will be learning D.has graduated
11.- I hear that Jason is planning to buy a car.
-I know. By next month, he _    enough for a used one.
A.will have saved B.will be saving C.has saved D.saves
此处解题关键是:by next month是将来的时间状语,所以用将来完成时。句意:---我听说Jason计划买一辆车。---我知道。到下个月,他就攒够了足够的钱买一辆二手车。
12.My train arrives in B eijing at eight o’clock tonight. The plane I would like to take from there _______ by then.
A.has left    B.will have left    C.will leave    D.had left
13.-I’ll come to see your performance at 9:00 tomorrow morning.
-I’m sorry, by then my performa nce ______ and I _______ reporters in the meeting room. A.will end; will meet B.will have ended; will be meeting
C.will be ended; am going to meet D.is to end; will be meeting
试题分析:句意:--我将明天上午9:00来看你的演出。--对不起,到那时,我的演出早就结束了,我在那时正在会议室接受记者的采访。根据句意到那时演出早就结束了,这是将来某个时间之前已经完成的应该用将来完成时will have done;在将来某个时间正在做事,应该用将来进行式will be doing,故选B。
即学即练:Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is no easy task because technology
________ so rapidly.
A.will have changed
B.has changed
C.is changing
D.will change
14.By the time you finish the book, you _______________ more about Chinese history. A.will learn B.have learnt C.will have learnt D.are learning
试题分析:考查时态。By与完成时连用。当by后面是过去的时间,使用过去完成时;当by后面是现在的时间,使用现在完成时,当by后面是将来的时间的时候,使用将来完成时。本题By后面的时间状语从句the time you finish the book用一般现在时代替将来时,所
15.By the time he retires, professor Baker _____ for almost forty years.
A.will have taught B.had taught
C.has taught D.is teaching
试题分析:句意:到贝克讲授退休时,他将从事教育40年了。这里教授还未退休,退休发生在将来,又因为By the time故用将来时的完成时,故选A。
即学即练:Had you joined the chat room ten minutes ago, you would have known what we
_______about then.
A. had talked
B. have talked
C. talk
D. were talking
16.— Jenny, how many years have you studied in China?
— I ________ here for three years by the end of this month.
A.study B.have studied C.will have studied D.am studying
考查时态。by意为:到…为止;引导的从句做状语时,主句必须使用完成时. the end of this month是表示将来的时间。所以这里使用将来完成时。
17.He____ English for six years by the time he takes his exams.
A.had been studying    B.was studying
C.will have been studying    D.has been studying
【解析】考查时态;句意为“到他考试之前,他已经学了六年英语”。因为“by the time he takes his exams.”是一个将来的时间,所以用将来完成时,故选C.
18.I hope when you come tomorrow, you _____ the reading and have something to share. A.did B.are doing
C.will be doing D.will have done