1K: Do you want to go out for dinner tonight?
N: Sure. Have you got anywhere in mind?
K: I'm starving, so maybe we could go somewhere with large portions.
N: That Italian restaurant in the city centre always has large portions. Do you want to go there?
K: I'm not really in the mood for Italian, actually. I was thinking of something a bit spicy.
N: If you want spicy food, then I'd recommend going to a Thai, Indian or Chinese restaurant. How about that chinese buffet on Cowley Road?
K: I really like that restaurant; you get a lot for your money there. But, the've westernized their food, so it's not actually that spicy.
N:You're right. Most of their dishes have sweet sauces. We could try that Indian restaurant just down the road from us.
K: The Taj? They're a bit expensive, but they do serve large portions of very hot food.
N: The Taj it is then.
K: Shall we bring our own bottle of wine to save some money?
N: They'll still charge us a corkage fee.
K: That's right. It'll probably work out to be about the same then anyway.
N: Don't worry about money. I'll treat you tonight.
K: Aren you sure? We could go Dutch.
N: No, I'll pay. It's my turn anyway. You paid last time.
K: I won't argue with that! Let's go!
2A: How may I help you today?
B: I'd like to get some information about your insurance policies.
A: What kind of policy are you looking for?
B: I was thinking about taking out a life insurance policy for my wife and I.
A: Ok. Have you ever bought any other insurance policies from our company before?
B: Yes. I currently have a car insurance policy and a house insurance policy with you.
A: That's great. I just need you to look over the terms and conditions here and then we can start filling in the forms.
B: I've actually already read through them.
A: Did you have any questions about it?
B: No.
A: Ok, who would you like the beneficiary to be on your policies?
B: I'd like my wife to be the primary beneficiary of my policy, I'll be the primary beneficiary of my wife's policy, and our son will be the secondary beneficiary of both policies.
A: Ok. Have you decided on a premium for each policy?
B: Yes. I'd like to take out two single-premium life insurance policies.
A: Would you like the option to make withdrawals later on in life in an emergency?
B: Yes, please. You never know what might happen in the future.
A: That's so true.
3A: I am very happy today Feifei. Why? Because I had my breakfast at my local greasy spoon this morning.
B: Greasy spoon? I don't understand. How could you have breakfast at a greasy spoon?
A: Because greasy spoon is a slang phrase.
B: So what does it mean?
A: A greasy spoon is a name for café that serves cheap meals. 
B: I have seen lots of these kinds of cafes around Britain but I didn’t know they were called greasy spoons.
A: Yes, greasy spoons are very common in the UK. You can find them everywhere.
B: But why are they called greasy spoons? 
A: People probably call these cafes greasy spoons because the food they serve there is nearly always fried food.
B: 油炸食品 fried food.
A: Yes, I suppose it's a kind of joke. The fried food served in the café is so oily, or greasy, that even the spoons are greasy.
A: Where shall we go for lunch? There’s a new health-food restaurant near here. 
B: I don't really want to eat salad and vegetables. 
A: Ok, let’s go to the greasy spoon for a fry-up. 
B: Mmm, that sounds great. I’m going to have sausage and chips. 
B: You know, eating at a greasy spoon doesn't sound very healthy to me. 
A: I think you're probably right there. You shouldn't eat at a greasy spoon every day.
...the problem is the food from a greasy spoon tastes good to me.
B: I know. Why does unhealthy food always taste so good?
4How You Talk Indicates to People How You Are.
Beware of "Revealing" a Personality that You Don't Have!
There is no absolute right or wrong in regard to intonation because a case can be made for stressing just about any word or syllable, but you actually reveal a lot about yourself by the elements you choose to emphasize. For example, if you say, Hello, this intonation would indicate doubt. This is why you say, Hello ? when answering the telephone because you don't know who is on the other end. Or when you go into a house and you don't know who's there because you don't see anyone. But if you're giving a speech or making a presentation and you stand up in front of a crowd and say, Hello, the people would probably laugh because it sounds so uncertain. This is where you'd confidently want to say
Hello, my name is So-and-so.
A second example is, my name is—as opposed to my name is. If you stress name, it sounds as if you are going to continue with more personal information: My name is So-and-so, my address is suchand- such, my blood type is O. Since it may not be your intention to give all that information, stay with the standard—Hello, my name is So-and-so.
5see you tonightExercise 1-19: Spelling and Numbers
Just as there is stress in words or phrases, there is intonation in spelling and numbers. Americans seem to spell things out much more than other people. In any bureaucratic situation, you'll be asked to spell names and give all kinds of numbers—your phone number, your birth date, and so on. There is a distinct stress and rhythm pattern to both spelling and numbers—usually in groups of three or
four letters or numbers, with the stress falling on the last member of the group. Acronyms (phrases that are represented by the first letter of each word) and initials are usually stressed on the last letter. Just listen to the words as I say them, then repeat the spelling after me.
6Lesson 33                        Out of the darkness 
Nearly a week passed before the girl was able to explain what had happened to her. One afternoon she set out from the coast in a small boat and was caught in a storm. Towards evening, the boat struck a rock and the girl jumped into the sea. Then she swam to the shore after spending the whole night in the water. During that time she covered a distance of eight miles. Early next morning, she saw a light ahead. She knew she was near the shore because the light was high up on the cliffs. On arriving at the shore, the girl struggled up the cliff towards the light she had seen. That was all she remembered. When she woke up a day later, she found herself in hospital.