# Triggered modifiers are here.
# these are checked for each countries once/month and then applied.
# Effects are fully scriptable here.
# Discovery of the East Indian trade route.
east_indian_trade_route = {
potential = {
num_of_ports = 1
capital_scope = { continent = europe }
trigger = {
has_discovered = 1460 # Cape of Good Hope
num_of_ports = 4
NOT = { mercantilism = 0.3 }
has_idea = quest_for_the_new_world
technology_group = western
capital_scope = {
continent = europe早知道是这样 如梦一场
any_active_trade_node = {
OR = {
province_id = 1361 # Straits of Johor
province_id = 1343 # Ganges Delta
province_id = 504 # Sind
province_id = 1340 # Comorin Cape
global_trade_income_modifier = 0.2 #20% more trade income.
# Christian control of Mecca.
christian_mecca = {
potential = {
has_discovered = 385 # Mecca
religion_group = christian
trigger = {
owns = 385 # Mecca
prestige = 1  #1% more yearly prestige
missionaries = 1
#icon = 9
# Jerusalem held by Muslims or Christians
jerusalem_held = {
potential = {
has_discovered = 379 # Judea
trigger = {
owns = 379 # Judea
OR = {
religion_group = christian
religion_group = muslim
prestige = 1  #1% more yearly prestige
missionaries = 1
#icon = 9
# Non-Catholic control of Rome.
non_catholic_rome = {
potential = {
has_discovered = 118 # Roma
NOT = { religion = catholic }
trigger = {
owns = 118 # Roma
prestige = 1  #1% more yearly prestige
missionaries = 1
#icon = 9
# Western Influences.
western_arms_trade = {
potential = {
NOT = { technology_group = western }
trigger = {
any_neighbor_country = {
technology_group = western
has_opinion = { who = ROOT value = 150 }
prestige = -1  #1% less yearly prestige
technology_cost = -0.05
# Time of Troubles.
time_of_troubles = {
potential = {
has_country_flag = time_of_troubles
NOT = { has_country_flag = time_of_troubles_ended }
trigger = {
has_country_flag = time_of_troubles
NOT = { has_country_flag = time_of_troubles_ended }
global_revolt_risk = 10
stability_cost_modifier = 0.20
# Revolution
revolution = {
potential = {
has_country_flag = revolution
trigger = {
has_country_flag = re
global_revolt_risk = 10
stability_cost_modifier = 0.1
# Peasants' War
peasant_war = {
potential = {
has_country_flag = peasant_war
trigger = {
has_country_flag = peasant_war莫镇贤
global_revolt_risk = 10
stability_cost_modifier = 0.1
# Counter Revolution
counter_revolution = {
potential = {
revolution_target_exists = yes
is_revolution_target = no
trigger = {
capital_scope = { continent = europe }
revolution_target_exists = yes
is_revolution_target = no
NOT = {
revolution_target = {
war_with = ROOT
revolution_target = {
truce_with = ROOT
revolution_target = {
alliance_with = ROOT
OR = {
government = absolute_monarchy
government = enlightened_despotism
government = despotic_monarchy
government = feudal_monarchy
government = administrative_monarchy
government = constitutional_monarchy
government = bureaucratic_despotism
government = imperial_government
prestige = -5
stability_cost_modifier = 0.3
# vive la Revolution
vive_la_revolution = {
potential = {
is_revolution_target = yes
trigger = {
is_revolution_target = yes
is_at_war = yes
global_manpower_modifier = 0.5
land_morale = 0.25
war_exhaustion_cost = 0.25
# Reaction
reaction = {
potential = {
revolution_target_exists = yes
capital_scope = { continent = europe }
trigger = {
capital_scope = { continent = europe }
OR = {
government = absolute_monarchy
government = enlightened_despotism
government = despotic_monarchy
government = feudal_monarchy
government = administrative_monarchy
government = constitutional_monarchy
government = bureaucratic_despotism
government = imperial_government
revolution_target = {
war_with = ROOT
prestige = 10
stability_cost_modifier = -0.1
# Crusader
crusader = {
potential = {
crusade_target = {
exists = yes
europe = {
has_discovered = ROOT
religion = catholic
trigger = {
crusade_target = {
war_with = ROOT
any_province = {
controlled_by = root
land_maintenance = 1.0
global_manpower_modifier = 0.3
global_tax_modifier = 0.1
land_morale = 0.5
prestige = 1
papal_influence = 2
#icon = 9
# Excommunication
excommunication = {
potential = {
religion = catholic
trigger = {
municated = yes
prestige = -2
tolerance_own = -3
papal_influence = -5
金箍棒铃声#icon = 10
# Large Tribes
large_tribe_bad_adm = {
potential = {
OR = {
government = tribal_despotism
government = tribal_federation
government = tribal_democracy
trigger = {
OR = {
government = tribal_despotism
government = tribal_federation
government = tribal_democracy
num_of_cities = 10
NOT = { ADM = 4 }
global_tax_modifier = -0.33
large_tribe_bad_dip = {
potential = {
OR = {
government = tribal_despotism
government = tribal_federation
government = tribal_democracy
trigger = {
OR = {
government = tribal_despotism
government = tribal_federation
government = tribal_democracy
num_of_cities = 10
NOT = { DIP = 4 }
global_revolt_risk = 3
large_tribe_bad_mil = {
potential = {
OR = {
government = tribal_despotism
government = tribal_federation
government = tribal_democracy
trigger = {
OR = {
government = tribal_despotism
government = tribal_federation
government = tribal_democracy
num_of_cities = 10
NOT = { MIL = 4 }
core_creation = 2.0
# Barbary Pirates
barbary_pirates = {
potential = {
religion_group = christian
culture_group = iberian
trigger = {
OR = {
owns = 334  # Tangiers
owns = 1751  # Ceuta
OR = {
owns = 335  # Mellila
owns = 337  # Oran
has_country_modifier = the_anti_piracy_act
prestige = 1
galley_cost = -0.1
light_ship_cost = -0.1
# The Pentarchy
pentarchy_mod = {
potential = {
religion = orthodox
OR = {
has_discovered = 118  # Rome
has_discovered = 151  # Constantinople
has_discovered = 377  # Aleppo
has_discovered = 379  # Jerusalem
has_discovered = 358  # Alexandria
trigger = {
owns = 118  # Rome
owns = 151  # Constantinople
owns = 377  #Aleppo
owns = 379  # Jerusalem
owns = 358  # Alexandria
118 = { religion = orthodox }
151 = { religion = orthodox }
377 = { religion = orthodox }
379 = { religion = orthodox }
358 = { religion = orthodox }
prestige = 0.5
missionaries = 1
# Chinese Bureaucracy
chinese_bureaucracy = {
potential = {
tag = MNG
trigger = {
has_factions = yes
government = celestial_empire
#Temple negates these..
discipline = -0.25
land_forcelimit_modifier = -0.5
manpower_recovery_speed = -0.5
core_creation = 1.0
unjustified_demands = 0.5
_power = -0.50
diplomatic_upkeep = -4
global_trade_income_modifier = -0.5
technology_cost = 0.5
merchants = -1
advisor_cost = 1.0
build_cost = 1.0
global_tax_modifier = -0.5
stability_cost_modifier = 0.5
advisor_pool = -1
heir_chance = -0.5
religious_unity = -0.25
the_mandate_of_heaven = {
potential = {
梁静茹在线打假has_factions = yes
government = celestial_empire
trigger = {
stability = 0
legitimacy = 60
num_of_cities = 20
is_westernising = no
stability_cost_modifier = -0.10
global_revolt_risk = -5
#icon = 3
the_mandate_of_heaven_lost = {
potential = {
has_factions = yes
government = celestial_empire
trigger = {
NOT = {
has_country_modifier = the_mandate_of_heaven
num_of_cities = 20
stability_cost_modifier = 0.5
global_tax_modifier = -0.5
global_revolt_risk = 5
legitimacy = -5
#icon = 4
# Nice Bonus for big HRE
big_hre = {
potential = {
europe = {
has_discovered = ROOT
trigger = {
is_part_of_hre = yes
hre_size = 25
is_emperor = no
technology_cost = -0.1
stability_cost_modifier = -0.1
global_revolt_risk = -3
#icon = 3
# Some help for scotland in early game
highland_charge = {
potential = {
SCO = { exists = yes }
OR = {
tag = SCO
tag = ENG
tag = GBR
trigger = {
tag = SCO
owns = 252 #highlands..
MIL = 2
NOT = { num_of_cities = 7 }
leader_shock = 1
#icon = 1