The Dyslexia Week
Albert Einstein (1879-1955), Walt Disney (1901-1966), and Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) have something in common. They were all extremely clever, brilliant and creative-and they
高原个人资料all had dyslexia. Today, around six million people in the UK have some degree of dyslexia. Yet many people don't understand the condition or even realize they have it.
Dyslexia Awareness Week (DAW) aims to change that. Starting on 3 October, dyslexia charities across the country will be encouraging conversations about it, giving people advice and support.
What is dyslexia?
Dyslexia is not an illness or a disease. It is a condition that affects the way a person learns. It doesn't mean that person isn't intelligent, it just means that their brain works a little differently. Just like people have different skin, hair and eye colours, the way our brains see the world and handle information can be different too. This is called neurodiversity.
How does dyslexia affect people?
Dyslexia affects people differently. Each person has a unique experience. Some people
may have problems with reading, writing and spelling. For example, a person with dyslexia might write the word "pests" as "pets" because their brain confuses the order of letters. They might find it difficult to match letters to sounds or to remember how to spell words.
How might the condition affect daily life?
Dyslexia isn't just about reading, spelling and writing. It can affect concentration (专注力), coordination (协调性) and memory, which can make everyday life tricky. Dyslexic people might find it hard to copy down lots of notes from a board or to organize written work. They may find it tough to follow lots of instructions or rules when playing a game. However, dyslexia can be discovered by special tests. This is the important first step for people getting the help and support they might need.
What are the positives of having dyslexia?
People diagnosed (诊断) with dyslexia might worry how others see them, but thinking diff
erently can be a superpower. Many people with dyslexia often have strong logical skills and great imaginative ideas. They can be good at spotting patterns and solving problems. They can be super creative too-there are many authors, actors and inventors from every corner of the world who thrive with the condition. Dyslexia is nothing to be afraid or ashamed of. It's part of you.
The Dyslexia Week
● Many people are diagnosed as dyslexia, including some successful ones in   56  .
● Many of them are not clear about it or even not解药 颜小健   57  of their own conditions.
● The Dyslexia Week starting on 3 October will work to change it, helping and   58  people with dyslexia.
● Dyslexia shouldn't be   59  for an illness or a disease.
● It's a condition that makes people learn   60  as a result of the way their brains see the world and handle information..
● It can be discovered by taking special   61  .
  徐帆女儿 62 
● Dyslexia makes people have trouble reading, writing and spelling.
● I makes s people   63  concentrated, coordinated ad affects their memory.
People with Dyslexia may have super power like strong logical skills, great   64  and super creativity.
It's   65  to be afraid or ashamed of having dyslexia. Just accept it and enjoy the life.
阅读下面短文,根据所读内容,在文章后第 1—10 小题的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。
What is this? Japanese ikebana(花道)? No, it’s Chinese traditional flower arrangement. They seem similar, but actually differ.
Recalling experiences in flower arrangement competitions abroad, Zhang Yan, a master and an inheritor(传承人) of Chinese traditional flower arrangement, said her works were often mistaken for ikebana. Zhang sighed, “We need more publicity on Chinese traditional flower arrangement.” Zhang hopes to do her part to introduce the art form.
Inheritance from history
The art of Chinese traditional flower arrangement has been handed down since 1046 BC.Historical records show it has served as offerings at temples, decorations in the palaces and art at homes.
“Though it has a history of more than 3,000 years, the flower arrangement is still limited to the bouquets(花束) in flower shops,” Zhang said. Because of that, Zhang began to study historical records on flower arrangement in China. “If people are familiar with the history of Chinese traditional flower arrangement, they would definitely feel proud of its centuries-old history, and think about why it’s not as well-known as ikebana, and find ways to give it a new life.”
In 2008, Chinese traditional flower arrangement was included in the second batch of National Intangible Cultural Heritage(国家非物质文化遗产). To Zhang, it is the art form’s rich historical meaning that makes it heritage, and this national acceptance leads to more public understanding.
The future
许阁Today, more and more people are learning Chinese traditional flower arrangement, not just professional florists(花艺师) but also those who take it as a hobby, even little kids. “I hope we can continue to hold an ability to appreciate the beauty in our life,” Zhang added.
Chinese traditional flower arrangement is not only a decoration, but can also serve as a form of therapy for modern busy bees.
“Different from its Western counterpart, Chinese traditional flower arrangement highlights simplicity,” Zhang said. The arranger must decide on what is truly necessary in his or her work and remove the rest. Sometimes learners are moved to tears because they begin to think what is truly necessary in their life.