Book 3 Unit 6 教材总结
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New words
[sing.] a low continuous noise made by a machine or a lot of people talking 机器的嗡嗡声;(很多人)嗡嗡的说话声
All he heard was the ticking of a clock and the hum of the air-conditioning. 他所听到的都是时钟的嘀嗒声和空调的嗡嗡声。
make musical sounds with your lips closed 哼(曲子)
I've forgotten the words of the song, so I just hum along with the tune. 我忘记了歌词,所以我只好跟着曲调哼哼。
make a low continuous sound 发出连续低沉的声音
The bees were humming in the garden. 蜜蜂在花园里嗡嗡地叫。
[C] a field where grass and wild flowers grow 草地
[C] a way of considering sth. 立足点;立场;观点
As his daughter, I have to put aside my own emotions and look at the problem from my father's standpoint. 作为女儿,我不得不抛开自己的情绪,从我父亲的角度来看问题。
extremely large 巨大的;庞大的
The ground floor of the museum is taken up by the skeleton of a gigantic whale. 一头巨大的鲸鱼骨架占据了博物馆的底层。
if things radiate from a central point, they spread out in different directions from that point 从中心向四周
Most of Britain's motorways radiate from London to its surrounding suburbs. 英国的大多数高速公路从伦敦向周围郊区延伸。
1 produce heat, light, or energy 辐射;发射
In the winter, the thick walls absorbed the sun's warmth during the day and radiated the heat at night. 冬天,厚厚的墙壁白天吸收太阳的热量,晚上释放出热量。
2 show a particular feeling or attitude in your expression or behavior 流露,显示(感情或态度)Despite the pressure he perceived from the large audience looking only at him, he radiated confidence and energy; he was ready to sing for them now. 尽管他感受到了被众多观众注目的压力,但他仍散发出自信和活力;他现在已经准备好为大家演唱了。
(~ at) try to take hold of sth. with your hands (用手)抓住
Her two-year-old son was clawing at her skirt. 她两岁的儿子紧紧地抓着她的裙子。
attack sb. or try to cut or tear sth. using your fingernails (用指甲)抓,掐
The animal trainer was seriously hurt when one of the lions clawed his back. 驯兽员伤得很严重,背部被一只狮子抓伤了。
[C, usu. pl.] the sharp curved part at the end of some animals' toes, e.g. a cat (猫等动物的)爪,脚爪These lobsters were so big that just the meat in their claws was enough to make a meal. 龙虾很大,光是钳子里的肉就足够美餐一顿。
pull sb. or sth. by making a short strong movement 猛拉;使劲拉;用力拖
The two boys tugged at one another, and fought over who would get to ride the bicycle first in the street. 两个男孩互相拉扯着,争抢谁先骑车上街。
[C] a short strong pull 猛拉;拖;拽
With a couple of tugs, Jack pulled in the net, which was full of large fish. 杰克用力拉了几下,把网收了起来,里面全是大鱼。
leave a building or other place because it is not safe 撤离,撤出(某危险建筑物或地方)
The college chemistry lab was on fire, and the campus police told everyone to evacuate the building as quickly as possible. 大学化学实验室着火了,校警让所有人尽快从大厦中撤离。
[C] sb. who is in prison because they have committed a crime 已决犯;(服刑中的)囚犯
The police are trying their very best to hunt down and catch the escaped convict. 警方正在尽他们所能搜寻、抓捕在逃囚犯。
prove in a court of law that sb. is guilty of a crime (在法庭上)证明…有罪,宣判…有罪
If convicted of the charge, he would face a prison sentence of six years. 一旦控告成立,他将会面临六年的牢狱之灾。
n. [C]
1 the untidy shape that things make when they are twisted round each other or round sth. else 纠结的一团;乱糟糟的一堆
It took the mother a very long time to comb through her small daughter's hair, which had got into an almost hopeless tangle. 妈妈花了很长的时间才把小女儿乱糟糟地缠成一团的头发梳理好。
2 a situation that is difficult to deal with because things are not organized properly 混乱
The small export company had to employ a lawyer to straighten their legal tangles which developed from their lack of knowledge about international trade laws. 这家小型出口公司得雇一位律师,来把由于自身缺乏国际贸易法知识所引发的法律纠纷理出头绪。
(also ~ up) become twisted together, or make sth. become twisted together, in an untidy mass (使)缠结在一起;(使)乱成一团
My new long skirt got tangled up in the wheel of my bike. 我的新长裙缠进了自行车轮子里。innumerable
(fml.) too many to be counted 数不清的;无数的
Being a father of five children, he seems to have innumerable duties to fulfill. 作为五个孩子的父亲,他似乎有数不清的责任需要履行。
hold sb. or sth. tightly with your hand 紧握;抓
To keep his daughter warm, he clasped her in his arms for it was extremely cold. 天气很冷,为了给女儿保暖,他把她紧紧抱在怀里。
[sing.] a way of holding sth. tightly 紧抱;拥抱;握紧
He held his girlfriend's hand in a strong and warm clasp. 他握着女友的手,有力而充满温情。permeate
1 (of an idea, an influence, a feeling, etc.) affect every part of sth. (思想、影响、感情等)感染,传播,扩散
The power of money permeates every aspect of our existence. 金钱的力量浸透到我们生活的方方面面。
2 (of a liquid, gas, etc.) spread to every part of an object or a place (液体、气体等)渗透,弥漫,扩散The fragrance of flowers permeates every room. 花朵的芬芳弥漫着每个房间。
好看的三圾片有哪些1 [C] sb. or sth. that is damaged or suffers as a result of sth. else 受害者
The car industry has been only one of the casualties of the economic recession; there are numerous others as well. 汽车行业只是经济衰退的受害者之一,还有无数其他行业也深受影响。
2 [C, usu. pl.] sb. who is injured or killed in an accident or military action (事故、战争中的)死伤者,伤亡人员
In this fire accident, most of the casualties were immigrant women. 这次火灾事故的死伤者大多是女性移民。
[C] a bomb hidden under the ground that explodes when sb. moves over it 地雷
[U] bullets, bombs, etc. that can be fired from a weapon 弹药
The fighting should cease soon because both sides are running out of ammunition. 战斗应该马上就会结束,因为双方都没有弹药了。
become red in the face, e.g. when you are angry or embarrassed (生气或尴尬时)脸红
It doesn't bother me that I flush whenever I am embarrassed because many people do so. 我一尴尬就脸红,对此我觉得无所谓,因为很多人都这样。
clean sth. by pouring a lot of water over it or through it 冲刷;冲洗
Without an adequate water infrastructure, city residents depended on rainwater to flush away human waste and refuse. 没有足够的排水基础设施,城市居民依靠雨水把人类排泄物和垃圾冲走。
[C, usu. sing.] a red color that appears on sb.'s face because they are hot or ill, or feeling angry, embarrassed, or excited 脸红;潮红;红晕
王岳伦身价是多少个亿A flush spread across her face when she realized that it was she who was the object of their joke. 当她意识到他们开玩笑的对象是她自己时,她涨红了脸。
looking red because you are hot or ill, or feel angry, embarrassed, or excited 脸红的;发红的;潮红的The patient's flushed face told the doctor that he was running a fever. 医生从病人潮红的脸上得知他正在发热。
very unpleasant and shocking 令人震惊的;骇人的
The story they told of their terrible experience during their kidnapping was appalling. 他们讲述的自己被的恐怖经历骇人听闻。
1 [C, usu. sing.] a large fire that causes a lot of damage, esp. when a building is burning 熊熊大火;
烈火Forty-five women were killed in the blaze at a drug addiction treatment center. 戒毒中心的大火使45名女子丧生。
2 [sing.] a strong bright light or area of color 强烈的光;光辉;闪耀