TESOL for Children Program
Name : Qi Hong Zhi
Instructor Name : Alex
1.1 Which age group would you like to teach the most and why?
I would like to teach age group of 5-9 year olds.
First ,at this age level ,the attention span and memory expands dramatically. They can talk about what they are doing and tell you about what they have done or heard. Second, their own understanding comes through hands and eyes and ears. The physical world is dominant at all times.
At last, Young children sometimes have difficulty in knowing what is fact and what is fiction. They will simply think the teacher is wonderful .
1.2 What are the acronyms for TESOL , SLA,L1 and L2? TESOL:Teaching English to speakers of Other Languages. SLA: the Second Language Acquisition.
love livesL1: first language.
L2: second language.
2.What is “telegraphic speech?”
Telegraphic speech is the use of short words and phrases that
omit unnecessary modifiers and articles n order to convey general meanings.
3.Name five different types of gross motor skills not mentioned in the text. Do the same for fine motor skills.
Gross motor skills:
swimming, walking, weightlifting, playing football, boxing. Fine motor skills:
Playing the piano, typing, knitting, embroidering, drawing.
4.Which type of music and movies would you like to introduce to children of other culture? Why?
I would like to introduce the chants for children. All children love rhymes and like to repeat them again and again. Rhymes are repetitive, they have natural rhythm and they have an element of fun, of playing with the language.
《The dentist》(I love coffee. I love tea. I hate the dentist and the dentist hates me.)
About movies, I will introduce《Tangled》,this is a romantic story of princess and prince.
5.Name and describe one exercise that can be utilized for learning English involving Science,Math,and Social Studies
separately.(The answer should contain three different exercises.) Science:
《fishing game》:Put a magnet on the small cards,and make a fishing sticker with a big magnet. Use the attraction of the magnet, fish the correct card under teacher’s instructions. Math:
《count 》:Prepare many colors blocks, and let students count how many yellow blocks,how many red blocks, students will count and answer you.Teacher also can ask about addition,like how many red and yellow blocks together. Social:
《I can grow a flower》:Bring students to community and grow flowers.Prepare some seeds and bulbs,shovels to teach students how to grow a flower.And tell them that everyone should protect our environment by plant more flowers and tree.
6.Name 10 vocabulary words that you think are appropriate for each of the language development stages.( How would you introduce them to the students for learning?)
①The Silent Stage:
刘莹 超女Vocabulary words:
说不清Teacher can introduce them by gestures,like 1、2、3,physical action,like jump、run、walk,material objects or pictures for cat、
赵薇苏有朋②The Early Production Stage:
信笺Vocabulary words:
red cat,white dog,blue bird,two eyes,one nose,
ten fingers,green frog,big head,small eyes,red apple.
Teacher can introduce them by pictures and ask questions,like how many eyes do you have.
③The Speech Emergence Stage:
Vocabulary words:
I can jump. I like red. I am Tom. I love my family.
I want to go to the zoo. She is May. I love you,mum.
It’s sunny. My favourite food is pizza. The bird is red.
Teacher can introduce with cards or songs,chants.like《How is the heather》:How is the weather?It’s sunny,It’s rainy,It’s cloudy.
④Intermediate Fluency:
Vocabulary words:
How are you?How is the weather today? What is your name? What is this? What is your favourite food?Who is she?Who is he? What color is your hair? How old are you?
How much is your dress?
Teacher can introduce through a story,and ask some
question,let students guess the meaning.
⑤The Advanced Proficiency Stage:
Vocabulary words:They are able to learn some idioms and slangs.Such as:
God closed a door,but he will open a window.
It’s raining cats and dogs.
You jump,I jump.
No pain,no gain.
Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
To feel under the weather.
Come rain or shine.
Drive you crazy.
One is never too late to learn.
7.What is “comprehensible input”? What is “comprehensible output”? How are they similar?How are they different ?
According to the theory generated by Stephen Krashen, “comprehensible input” is an “intaking” second-language-learning process, in which the learner acquire the language a bit more difficult than he/she could handle at the current level.
“Comprehensible Output”is the theory created by