Traffic authorities in the capital said on Saturday the city's toll roads are still in heavy debt, as one-third of the tolls collected from highways were paid as interest to creditors who financed construction of the roads.两男一女歌词
my heart will go on 歌词>冷中易Beijing Municipal Commission of Transport, the city's traffic watchdog, said on its website that at the end of 2010 there were 816 km of toll roads in the city, with unpaid loans worth as much as 44 billion yuan ($7 billion).
风姿花传【讲解】文中的toll roads即指收费公路,toll在这里指通行费,toll作名词时还有伤亡人数(death toll)和钟声的意思,toll还可以作动词,有敲钟(For Whom The Bell Tolls 《丧钟为谁而鸣》 )和收税的意思。文中的highway指高速公路,Highway toll fees指高速公路收费,loan指贷款。