用来作宾语的句子叫做宾语从句。 宾语从句的结构:主语 + 谓语 + 从属连词、宾语(陈述句语序)。宾语从句可以分为三类:裴勇俊大婚
动词的宾语从句  【第1句】
徐若瑄 av介词的宾语从句  【第2句】
宾语从句的引导词    对应的句子类型    从句中的成分
连词that      陈述句    在从句中不作成分
连词whether, if    一般疑问句    在从句中不作成分
连接副词when, where, why,how;
连接代词who, whom, what, which, whose    特殊疑问句    when, where, why, how在从句中作状语;
who, whom, what在从句中作主语、宾语或表语;
which, whose在从句中作定语, 后面接名词连用。 
常用来引导宾语从句的形容词有: sure, certain, glad, please, happy, sorry, afraid, satisfied, surprised等。
想家的时候    I am sure I will pass the exam.
    I am sorry that I have troubled you so long.
    He is glad that Li Ming went to see him when he was ill.
1. The supreme Court will now consider whether police can search the contents of a mobile phone without a warrant if the phone is on or around a person during an arrest. (2015 Text 2)
the devil within
I) supreme a.(权力,机构,掌权人)最高的;最强大的;最重要的;很大程度的;极度的;(处罚,牺牲)涉及死的;(因某一活动)著名的(人,物);高超的。He was nerving himself for a supreme effort.(他正在鼓励自己做出最大的努力。);On the race track he reigned supreme.(他称雄跑道。)
II) content a.平静而幸福的;愉快的;满意的;满足的;安于现状的;v.使满意;使满足;n.满意;满足;容纳物;包含物;内容;含量,成分;目录。He seemed more content, less bitter.(他似乎高兴了点,不再那么痛苦。);He had to be content with third place.
(他不得不满足于季军的位置。);He picked up the correspondence and scanned the contents.(他把信捡了起来,看了一下内容。)
III) warrant n.逮捕证;搜查证;授权令;退货(款)凭单;接受服务单据;正当理由;依据;v. 证明(某个行动过程)正当(或必要);正式确认;保证。Magistrates issued a warrant for his arrest.(治安官签发了一份逮捕他的逮捕证。);There is no warrant for this assumption.(这个假设没有依据。);There is not enough new evidence to warrant a reference to the Court of Appeal.(还没有足够的新证据证明有必要提交给上诉法院。)
IV) arrest v.逮捕;阻挡(进程);抑制;吸引(某人的)注意;n.逮捕;运动的中止(或忽然停止)。The police arrested him for possession of marijuana.(警方因他携带有而将其逮捕。);The church’s stillness arrested her.(教堂的寂静吸引了她。)