(总分100, 做题时间180分钟)
[A] How to turn a hobby into a business
[B] Expensive toys are not smart choices
[C] Smart money choices make a family life easier
[D] Cooking at home is an easy way to save money
[E] Debt is a real trap
[F] Not all parents are millionaires
[G] Money does not buy happiness
Some Money Lessons Your Kids Should Learn from an Early Age
Now that I keep struggling with my daughter's complaints about money, I have realized that
it is best to start teaching kids the most important money lessons from an early age. Before it is too late, make sure your little ones learn the following money lessons.
Modern children are obsessed with material things. My daughter spends too much time watching YouTube videos about rich kids and their luxury lives and often ending up feeling depressed that she does not have such a life. I can't forbid her to watch all those videos, but I can teach her that not all parents are able to buy anything kids want and yelling does not help. Therefore, I choose the right moment for this talk so that my little princess could listen to me carefully and discuss the problem like an adult.
爱你一万次够不够I had always believed in the myth, "The more money you earn, the fewer problems you have." Having lots of money is fun, but in reality, big money causes big problems. All those bucks can bring temporary happiness into your life, but in the end, they will not make you happy. Just because a wealthy person can buy a big house does not mean he is happy. Happiness does not depend on the circumstances.
Luckily, sometimes my daughter realizes that it is best to buy food than a new toy when our family is very low on budget. I am not afraid to go shopping with her because I know she will not spend a dime on the unnecessary stuff when our fridge is empty. She can even give us her savings when we do not have money for food or anything important. This is one of the money lessons every child should learn at an early age.
Eating out is a part of every modern person's life, but it can quietly drain your wallet and destroy your health at the same time. Try to cook together at home as often as possible to show your kids that it is actually a fun activity and it is a simple way to save money on a family vacation or a new toy. I ate myself into debt many times so I do not want her to commit the same mistakes in the future.
Thanks to the Internet, it's totally possible to turn some activity you enjoy doing in your spare time into a job and earn tons of money for a luxury living. Just check out how many
kids make money on YouTube, Instagram, or Etsy. Help your children use their skills and hobbies to earn some extra cash for toys or treats. They will be proud of themselves and your family budget will be flourishing instead of draining.
Finally, teach your child to be grateful for what they already have and show them that it is more rewarding to give than receive. No matter your child's age, start teaching them money lessons today. They will thank you down the road.
hollaback girl
[A] Play and work with your child
[B] Take good care of yourself
[C] Forgive yourself
[D] Learn to work in team
[E] Make sure family is your priority
且行且珍惜歌词[F] Balance your work and personal life
[G] Don't take negative things too seriously
Some Life Skills Every Working Mom Should Master
Being a mom is one of the greatest gifts that a woman can receive in her life. Being a working mom, though, is a real challenge. You have a host of tasks and chores to do each day and rarely find time for yourself. You stop believing in yourself and your career skills. You think your career path is over.
But believe it or not, many working moms are more successful than other employees. Th
ey are wonderful wives, amazing moms, and perfect workers. What's the secret? They've simply mastered these important life skills that every working mom should adopt in order to live a happy and successful life.
With all those household chores and big projects, it's easy to forget about yourself. Your child is your priority, and you need a job to earn money. You think it's not so important to look after yourself now. However busy you are, you need that "me time" every day. Even if it's only for 5 minutes, you need a break. Care more about your beauty and health. You want your husband and child to be proud of a beautiful wife and mother, don't you? That's why you should always try to be the best version of you.
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Even if you belong to the type of women who like to do everything alone, you definitely need to master the skill of cooperating with others. You are a mother who has no time to do everything independently. Ask your soul mate to help you with household chores, and learn to share your tasks with your coworkers. You're only a human, after all. You don't ha
ve any superpower, and you're not able to cope with everything alone.
Regardless of what day is today, you're always busy. Working mothers often pay less attention to their children because of their super busy schedules. If you can't spend all of your time with your family, don't feel guilty. You bring home the bacon, so if you can't manage to do everything at once, it doesn't mean that you're a bad mother. Rather than blaming yourself, be proud of who you are.
Being a working mom is all about dozens of different tasks to accomplish every single day. Learn to manage your time correctly so that you can cope with your work and have some free time to spend with your husband and child. Finding a balance between personal time and work time is crucially important if you want to stay healthy and be an amazing mom.
When **e back home from work and still have to tackle some tasks, you strive to accompl
ish them as soon as possible, but your child thinks otherwise. They crave your attention, and you can't ask your husband to play with your child all the time. Give your child some tasks and suggest them do your and their tasks together. A working mom should be able to entertain her kids even if she is very busy.
[A] Be ready to look silly
[B] Try to do silly things
[C] Develop a sense of humor
[D] Form your own point of view
[E] Break a habit of taking excessive responsibility
[F] Combat negativity by playing jokes on others
[G] Stop kicking yourself for the things you can't change
If you're an extremely vulnerable, sensitive person and you're sick and tired of being a slave of your mind, you should open yourself up to new experiences and turn into a strong and confident personality. I understand that this task may seem impossible to you, but it's high time to get all your strength together and take the first confident step in the pursuit of personal growth.
As soon as you form your own point of view, learn to respect your choice and close your eyes to either well-founded or ungrounded social criticism, you'll feel inner power and confidence running through your veins and realize that you're a self-sufficient person.
It doesn't matter whether you're a top manager or a florist, you should know how to relax and blow off steam from time to time. Otherwise, your mind will never reach emotional stability. A suitable joke can drive back somebody's emotional attacks in a fitting manner. This way, you'll come out with clean hands and confuse an aggressive person in a twinkling of an eye. I try to joke as much as possible, especially at work. It's my perfect shield that helps me deal with everyday negativity with a head held high.
There's a stereotype that people who do silly and unusual things are failures and fools. I believe that the ones who can easily leave **fort zone, adapt to new conditions and don't fear to do things they like in front of other people are the happiest personalities in the world. These people may not be always emotionally stable, but I can state with assurance that they're mentally strong and brave, because they've already escaped from the prison of the mind. If you also want to wave goodbye to **fort zone, you should realize and accept that even highly successful and happy people may look silly when the
y're doing something for the first, or even for the second time. Their ability to cope with change, uncertainty and possible failures or stressful situations is the secret of their happiness, emotional stability and success.
The main problem of people who lack mental power and emotional stability is the habit of taking up big responsibility for everything happening in their lives. This negative habit should be eliminated as soon as possible, because excessive responsibility can spoil the quality of a sensitive person's life in a quite short period of time.
The feeling of unfounded guilt is a side effect of excessive responsibility. If you do nothing to handle your responsibilities and suppress the desire to control the uncontrollable, you gradually turn into a panic maker and begin to suffer from various obsessive thoughts. If you want to feel the power in your mind, give up playing the Blame game, because it can play a low down trick with you some day. If something gets out of your hand and you realize that you can do nothing about it, you should just humble yourself and submit to a challenge.