Unit4  Story time
课题 (Unit4 We love animals)  C Story time
本部分通过讲述Zoom和他的朋友们之间发生的一个小事故,重现了本单元教学词汇和部分句型,两个新词follow和carrot的加入, 目的是通过一个较为有意义的语篇,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,增加学生语言的输入以及训练学生逐步适应文本阅读。更重要的是为能力较强的学生提供语言拓展内容,以达到分层次教学的目的。
教学目标 :
By the end of this period, students will be able to,
1. Knowledge objectives(知识目标):   
1). Review all the animal words appeared in the story.
2). Understand the story.
3). Use the sentence pattern Follow me! in daily life.
  (能够在日常生活中恰当运用 Follow me!
2. Ability objectives(能力目标):   
1). Answer all the question raised by teacher.
2). Read the story and act it out with partner.
王源否认走后门  (能够熟读故事并和同伴一起表演)
3). Make up an ending for the story.
3.(情感态度目标)Moral objectives:   
1)Be nice to our friends. (能够友善的对待我们的朋友)
2)Friends are the best gift we give to ourselves.
Let students: 
1) Understand the story. 
2) Use the sentence pattern Follow me! and I have a ... . in daily life.
(能够在日常生活中恰当运用 Follow me!I have a ... .
3) Act the story out with their partner.
After learning the whole story Ss can make up a proper ending to the story. (给故事续编一个恰当的结尾)
Task-based approach, situational teaching approach, Audio-lingual    method, Communicative Approach.
教师:English book, flash cards, a real carrot, PPT, animal masks. 
学生:English textbook
Step 1: Greeting and warm-up.
1) Greet to the whole class.
2) Sing the song Follow me and do the actions.
(师生问好、歌曲Follow me热身)
【设计意图:歌曲Follow Me紧扣故事中心句型,通过不同的动作让学生感知follow me的含义。】
Step 2: Presentation.
(This lesson we will read a story happened among Zoom, Zip and their friends)
1) Play the video of the story and raise a question: 刘诗诗生了吗What animals can you see in this story?  (dog, pig, duck, rabbit)
2) Read, spell and practice the 4 words in different ways.
3) Ss read the story after the MP3 and try to answer the question: Who follows Zoom? (Pig)
(Ss wants to list all the animals at a time. T should raise more questions to let Ss understand the word follow)
1 Who follows pig?
2 Who follows dog?
3 Who follows duck?
4) (When Zoom meets pig, What does Zoom say?)
  Question leads to the the key sentence: Follow me