你若成风 歌词
  Remember when Justin Bieber and Kim Kardashian stormed the beaches of the Bahamas hand-in-hand in June? Well, now we know what it was all for.
  还记得在6月份的时候贾斯汀·比伯与金·卡戴珊在巴哈马海滩手拉手嬉戏吗?现在我们终于知道为什么他们要这样做了。 做我老婆好不好
资料图 原来他们是为ELLE杂志拍摄照片
  Kim posted these stylish shots, which were taken for Elle Magazine, on her blog today -- adding "I absolutely LOVE how they turned out! Justin and I had such a fun time together at the shoot."
朱雯和朱静  原来他们是为ELLE杂志拍摄照片,今天在自己的博客上贴出了他们的三张照片,并写下日志:照片拍出来后我真的很喜欢,我和贾斯汀在拍摄时玩的很开心。