Jos de Cabo spends a lot of time on social media. But unlike most people who post on Twitter and Facebook to keep up with friends and family, Mr. de Cabo and his team of more than 140 people — primarily based in New York and London — have another goal.
若泽·德卡波(Jos de Cabo)把大量时间都花在了社交媒体上。然而与多数人为了与亲友保持联系而在Twitter和Facebook上更新状态不同,德卡波和他手下140多人的团队——主要在纽约和伦敦——有着另一个目标。柳岩 伴娘
They scour the world’s most popular social media sites on behalf of luxury brands like Lanc洀攀 and Yves Saint Laurent, hunting for photos taken by individuals that feature the brands, say an image of a handbag or pair of shoes, that could be used in marketing campaigns.
他们在全世界最受欢迎的社交网站上四处搜寻,为兰蔻(Lanc洀攀)、伊夫圣罗兰(Yves Saint Laurent)等奢侈品牌寻个人拍摄的突出这些品牌的照片,比如某只手袋或某款鞋子的图片,用于市场营销的活动。
By tapping into the digital world, Mr. de Cabo said, brands (which have final say over what photos are used and do not pay people for their online images) can foster closer relationships with their followers. They also can add extra credibility to marketing at a time when consumers are increasingly turned off b
y traditional advertising.
“There‟s an army of fans out there for every brand, and they want to be part of your world,” said Mr. de Cabo, who started the company, called Olapic, with friends soon after completing an M.B.A. at Columbia University in 2010. The start-up says that its social media content can increase online sales by roughly 5 percent compared with traditional marketing photos.
“People are now wired in a different way,” Mr. de Cabo said. “They are used to seeing authenticity online. By embracing that, brands can build a stronger connection with consumers.”
Services like Olapic are the latest attempt by luxury brands — alongside traditional retailers — to stay relevant in a world where social media has given people greater power over how a company is perceived online.
Where once a brand could use its marketing campaigns to present a coherent message, the meteoric rise of social media — and its billions of daily digital discussions, many involving global luxury brands — has forced companies to reassess how they use, interact and respond to the likes of Instagram and Snapchat.
That includes finding new ways to engage with those brand followers, either through regular digital interactions on popular social media sites or offering online extras, like behind-the-scene looks at fashion shows or photo shoots, to reinforce their ties to a designer or fashion house. Brands also ha
ve turned to social media to extend their presence beyond the traditional customer base, partly to reach a new generation of consumers that have grown up online.
Yet just like in the offline world, some luxury brands have embraced social media and other digital activities with greater energy than others.
Those are the findings of a recent report by L2, a company based in New York that tracks the digital impact of brands. The study, based primarily on U.S. consumer habits, compared the digital strategies of some of the world‟s most well-known fashion houses, such as Chanel and Dior, ranking each company on their social media outreach, digital marketing, e-commerce and daily interactions on mobile platforms.
Some digitally savvy brands like Burberry, according to L2‟s report, have incorporated social media and other online platforms directly into their wider marketing campaigns. These activities, says Maureen Mullen, L2‟s head of research, have given compan ies a greater reach in the online world, associating Burberry‟s regular posts on the likes of YouTube and Snapchat with people‟s increasing desire to be connected to the next online trend.
根据L2的报告,一些擅长网络营销的品牌,如博柏利(Burberry),已经把社交媒体和其他网络平台直接纳入了整体的营销计划中。L2的研究主管莫琳·马伦(Maureen Mullen)说,这些活动让企业在网络世界有了更大的影响力,她说,博柏利在YouTube 和Snapchat等网站上定期的发布内容,是人们越来越渴望融入下一个网络趋势的原因之一。
“Seven years ago Burberry meant …British‟ and …plaid,‟ and now a core association of the brand is innovation,” Ms. Mullen said. “They‟ve effectively changed the brand values through a lot of the thing
s they‟ve done in a digital capacity.” (Kate Spade is the only other company in L2‟s “genius” category.)
“七年前,博柏利意味着‘英伦风’和‘彩格布’,如今这个品牌引发的核心联想是创新,”马伦说。“他们通过网络活动有效地提升了品牌价值。”(Kate Spade是除博柏利之外,唯一一家被L2评为“天才”的公司)
But most luxury brands have yet to turn a growing digital presence into increased sales.
Online sales still represent just 6 percent of luxury companies‟ total revenues, according to L2. And roughly 10 companies, including Ralph Lauren and Michael Kors, dominate this digital world, generating a combined 65 percent of all traffic to websites associated with the luxury industry.
L2的报告显示,网络销售仍然只占奢侈品企业总收入的6%。包括拉夫·劳伦(Ralph Lauren)和迈克·高仕(Michael Kors)在内的约10家公司,在奢侈品网络营销中占了一半以上的份额,共同产生了与奢侈品行业有关的网站65%的流量。
Yet retailing experts say that how a company is viewed online — not just by its primary customers, b
ut also by the wider online population — can have a significant impact on a brand‟s overall reputation, particularly with digitally literate young shoppers.
“With social media, consumers are taking brands and reinventing them to fit their own tastes,” said Frederic Court, a London-based partner at Felix Capital, a venture
firm that invests in fashion-related digital companies. “Brands need to find a new way to relate to their customers.”
“通过社交媒体,消费者们可以对品牌产生影响,使其符合自己的品味,”Felix Capital驻伦敦的合伙人弗里德里克·考特(Frederic Court)说。这家风投公司投资了一些与时尚有关的网络公司。“企业需要寻一种新的方式打动消费者。”
This change has been particularly acute for luxury brands such as Louis Vuitton and Chanel. These companies — born decades before social media — have fostered an image of exclusivity as part of their marketing strategies, portraying a lifestyle that is often out of reach for most people.苍岚奏
这个变化对路易威登(Louis Vuitton)和香奈儿(Chanel)这样的奢侈品牌来说格外强烈。这些在社交媒体出现之前几十年诞生的公司,已经营造出了一种少数人专享的高端品牌形象,这也是它们的营销策略的一部分,它们描绘了一种通常让多数人难以企及的生活方式。
In response to the digital free-for-all that is synonymous with the Internet, analysts say many companies have had to expand their brands‟ online footprint, often teaming up with social media darlings and other celebrities to present a more populist image.
That includes Dior, which joined forces with the music star Rihanna, whose social media following is four times as large as that of the fashion label. Calvin Klein signed a deal with Justin Bieber, in part to tap into the Canadian singer‟s avid following on Instagram and Twitter, where his audience is up to 15 times as large as that of the brand.
比如,迪奥就与歌星蕾哈娜(Rihanna)携手,后者的社交媒体粉丝数量是这个时尚品牌的四倍。卡尔文·克莱因(Calvin Klein)也与贾斯汀·比伯(Justin Bieber)签订合约,一定程度上是为了利用这位歌手在Instagram和Twitter上的活跃粉丝资源。后者的关注人数是卡尔文·克莱的15倍。