中职生借由手机游戏看似平等的机制保障了中职生在游戏世界的参与程度,游戏世界也以其独特的魅力将中职生全方位“捕获”。游戏世界通过中职生的社会流动和社会变迁的信念系统,经过范畴化进入到游戏内,中职生通过摒弃他们原来附带的“污名化”的消极标签,超越“学业挫败”的优越感;在技术/段位、代打挣钱等不同于“学习”的其他维度上进行际比较;在脱离权威和规训、追求自由等维度将传统的负面特质重新定义的方式以及在游戏内中重新开辟和选择更低的体,游戏实现了对抗现实权威、营造虚拟阶层流动的感觉以及获得情感联结创造体归属感的社会功能,帮助中职生塑造了游戏世界中的积极社会认同。因此,针对中职生沉迷手游的问题,紧靠技术层面限制他们的消费和上网时长是远远不够的,我们必须着眼于重塑他们现实生活世界的社会认同,社会、学校、家庭形成合力,关注他们的心理状态、给予他们更多的成就感、将职业生涯规划放到首位、为他们创造更多的课kiss dara
Currently,growth process of vocational secondary school students who have grown up since2000have been experienced the rapid development of the Internet.Among them, Individual growth is inseparable from the rapid development and experience of Chinese mobile games market.In the context of new media,the problem of youth's addiction to mobile games has increasingly been concerned by social concern.And the problem of mobile game addiction among secondary vocational students in all student group has become more prominent.In addition,previous studies have mostly adopted the perspective of education management,but rarely have a sociological perspective.Therefore,this study attempts to explain the deep-seated reasons for secondary school students'addiction to mobile games from the perspective of social psychology.and 赵薇万惠
this study adopt qualitative research methods,incuding participatory observation and in-depth interviews,to penetrate into the daily life of secondary school students.In the game picture,we will explore the current situation and deep reasons of secondary school students'indulged in mobile games, and make recommendations.从来就没有什么救世主 也不靠萨尔血蹄
This study takes the individual growth of vocational students as the logical starting point,and adopts the push-pull theory and social identity theory.The study found that the addicted to mobile gaming behavior of vocational students is not a simple linear process, but an entry-immersion-exit-re-enter process of going back and forth.The vocational
students constantly enter and exit the game field,which inherently implies a contradiction addicted to mobile gaming behavior practice:"Play games if you have nothing to do"and "Play enough games."These two coexisting mental states also reflect their inner struggles, and they have always been separated from the real life and the game world.Although they have played enough games,they have never really quit,but on the edge of advancement and retreat Wandering.This behavior presents a picture of the life of secondary vocational students addicted to mobile games.
Based on push-pull theory and social identity theory,the reason why secondary school students are
还有我歌词addicted to mobile games is that the push of real life and the pull of the game world.Identity crisis and reality avoidance have become the driving force for vocational students to enter the game,and social identity and virtual satisfaction have become their pulling force into the game.The academic stereotypes of vocational students,lack of money, the ceiling effect of individual outlets and the sense of meaningless life have contributed to the confusion of vocational students,which has implicitly contributed to the identity crisis in life and become their direct boosters to enter the game world.The lack of family cultural capital,changes in family upbringing,and of vocational school discipline and the stigma of vocational education have become indirect boosters for them to escape from the real world. Therefore,the confusion of vocational students and the restraint of family and school have contributed to the identification crisis of vocational students in real life.They must choose a export to rebuild their social identity.In view of the different subjective belief structure of individuals,they will adopt the belief of social mobility and social change to try to improve the self-esteem and self-worth of their inner group.
The seemingly equal mechanism of mobile games ensure the participation of vocational students in the game world.The game world also"captures"vocational students in all directions with its unique charm.Vocational students adopt belief system of social mobility and social change,and enter the in-
game group.They surpass the superiority of "academic frustration"by abandoning the negative label of"stigma"that they originally
米兰达可儿离婚attached.Sense;make intergroup comparisons in other different from"learning"dimensions such as technology/level,earn money on behalf of others;redefine traditional negative traits in the dimension of authority and discipline and pursue freedom,and reopened selected lower groups.The game has realized the social functions of confronting the authority of reality,creating a feeling of virtual class flow,and obtaining emotional connections to create a sense of group belonging,helping vocational students to shape the positive social identity in the game world.Therefore,in view of the problem of vocational students addicted to mobile games,it is not enough to restrict their consumption and online time on the technical level.We must focus on reshaping their social identity in the real world,and form a joint force of society,schools and families.Pay attention to their mental state,give them more sense of accomplishment,put career planning in the first place, create more extracurricular life for them and guide them to establish a good consumption concept,so as to avoid them indulging in the pleasure of the virtual world and accelerate the fate of class reproduction.
KEY WORDS:Escape from reality;Virtual satisfaction;Secondary vocational students;Indulge in mobile games;Social identity;Categorization