What can we learn today from the Chinese heroes of yesterday?
Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen:
The heroes in Chinese history are like the stars in the sky. Every time we think of them, we are deeply touched. We can't all be heroes. But we’d like to sit on the curb and clap as they go by. What do we applaud for? I think the answer is love. Love for the people, love for the country, love for the world.
冰糖炖雪梨边澄When the earthquake happened , Tanqianqiu used his own body to build a shelter for his students. He is a hero. When asked where the Communist Party Members were, Jiangjie kept silence refusing to tell anything. She is a hero. When the disasters occurred in other counties , Chinese peacekeeping force came to rescue. They are the heroes.
Do you find it? All the heroes share one common point. That is love. Love for the people, love for the country, love for the world.
老玉米歌词Because of love, we are ready to save others. Because of love, we are brave enough to fig
ht. Because of love, we are enthusiastic to protect the world.
  Love is a springtime plant that perfumes everything with its hope. I still remember that thousands of people waited in line to donate blood after Wenchuan earthquake. I still remember that thousands of people fighted against the enemy to defend our motherland. I still remember that thousands of people joined in the earth hour to support the global energy saving. The hero full of love is the most unforgettable one. 
Can you imagine a person without love? It means he has no passion, no religion, no devotion and so on. He is indifferent, impatient and inaccessible. What a poor man! Are you willing to call him a hero? 印度歌曲广场舞
People like to say a hero is nothing but a product of his time. However, now I want to say a hero is nothing but a person full of love. Therefore what we can learn today from the Chinese heroes of yesterday ,I think ,is his heart that full of love. Thank you !