精蛋白重组人胰岛素注射液(Isophane Protamine Recombinant
Human Insulin Injectiopn)
黄致列 bangbangbang本品皮下注射吸收缓慢而均匀,注射后3~4小时开始生效,12~24
Systemic allergic reaction occurred immediately after injection, the body appears with or without urticaria, angioedema, respiratory symptoms (such as asthma, dyspnea) and rare hypotension, shock and even death. Therefore, when injecting the product for the first time, we should pay close attention to the patient's sensitivity to this product and prevent allergic reactions.
3., injection site fat atrophy: more common in young women, mostly for insulin preparation caused by impure fat dissolution reaction.
4. fat hyperplasia at the site of injection: a fat producing reaction caused by insulin, which can be reduced by taking an injection at different sites.
Hypoglycemia, islet cell tumor.
[matters needing attention]
1., this product is slow, can not be used to rescue diabetic ketoacidosis, high glucose hyperosmolar coma patients;
2. can not be used for intravenous injection;
3. moderate to large amounts of alcohol can enhance insulin induced hypoglycemia, can cause severe and persistent hypoglycemia occurs in fasting or liver glycogen storage under the condition of less. During the period of delivery, patients should avoid alcohol.
4. smoking: smoking can release the catecholamine and antagonize the hypoglycemic effect of insulin. Therefore, the diabetic who is using insulin should suddenly reduce the amount of insulin when they give up smoking suddenly.
Should regularly check urine, urine routine, blood glucose, glycosylated hemoglobin, renal function, visual acuity, retinal blood vessels, blood pressure and ECG were 5. during the treatment, in order to understand the severity of disease and diabetic complications.
6., after hypoglycemia symptoms, should promptly fill the sugar, especially to prevent nocturnal hypoglycemia.
[pregnant women and lactating women]
Pregnant women, especially in the middle and late pregnancy, have an increased insulin requirement. Insulin requirements are rapidly reduced after delivery. If it is gestational diabetes, postpartum blood sugar can be normal, insulin should be discontinued.
[children medication]
Prepubertal children on insulin sensitivity than adolescents, so prone to hypoglycemia, should be appropriate to reduce the amount of insulin, adolescents shall be appropriately increased the amount of insulin (20% to 50%), and then decreased gradually after puberty.
[medication for elderly patients]
Elderly people are prone to hypoglycemia, we must pay special attention to, should pay attention to diet, proper physical activity and the amount of insulin coordination.
[drug interaction]
1. glucocorticoid, ACTH, glucagon, estrogen, oral contraceptives, thyroxine, epinephrine, thiazide diu
retics, two diazoxide, b2- receptor agonist, H2- receptor blockers, calcium channel blockers, clonidine, phenytoin can increase blood sugar concentration, the combination of these drugs or insulin should be adjusted dose.
2. oral hypoglycemic agents and insulin have synergistic hypoglycemic effect.山路十八弯伴奏
3. anti clotting drugs, salicylate, sulfa drugs and antitumor drugs such as methotrexate combined with insulin competition and plasma protein, so that the blood free insulin levels. Non steroidal anti-inflammatory analgesic drugs can enhance the hypoglycemic effect of insulin.