1. 假设你是北京天天酒店预订员简李菁菁现任老公照片接到了一位客户从大连打来的电话,他将一个人
    驾车来北京休闲旅游(leisure travel),要预订一间豪华单人间,并先用信用卡保证预订
    (credit card guaranteed reservation)请你和你的同学模拟对话中的角,准备对话,
J=Jane (Receptionist)  S=Stephen Nobel (Guest)
J: Room Reservation. Can I help you?
S: Yes, I am calling from Dalian City. I will make a leisure travel to Beijing next
    week. So I want to book a room at your hotel.
J: That’s wonderful. For which date, please?
S: From September 9th.
J: For how many nights?
S: For two nights.
J: How many guests will there be in your party?
S: Just my wife and myself.
J: What kind of room would you prefer? A single or a double?
S: A single, please.
J: Could you hold the line, please. I’ll check the list…Thank you for waiting, sir.
    We have a single room at RMB 150 and another at RMB 180. Which one would you prefer?
S: I’d like to take the RMB 180.
J: Do you wish to guarantee the room?
S: Yes, I need to.
J: Will that be your credit card or will you pay in advance?
S: My credit card, please.
J: May I know the type of card and the number?
S: Yes, it’s Visa. The card number is 4635 1110 3334 5566, expiration date is
    Dec. 10th, 2010. And my name is Stephen Nobel.
J: Thanks. Mr. Nobel. One single room arriving on September 9th and leaving on
    September 11th, in name of Mr. Stephen Nobel. The rate for the room is RMB
    180 per night. This is a guaranteed reservation and will be held for you. Your
    credit number is 4635 1110 3334 5566. Am I correct?
S: Yes, that’s correct. Thank you for your help. Goodbye.
J: Goodbye. We are always at your service.
2. 假如你是一家电器公司的经理,你们公司打算在12月22日在北京举办庆祝公司成立
J: Good morning. Reservations, Jane speaking. May I help you?
S: Good morning. This is Stephen Nobel from Dalian Electrical Company. Our
    company is going to give an tenth anniversary in Beijing on December 22nd. Please
    reserve 50 standard double room, 10 deluxe double room, 2 suites.
J: When is that for, please?
S: Four nights. From December 22nd through December 25th.
J: Please hold the line one moment. I see your company has an arrangement with
    this hotel for all types of room. We will give you a discount at 40%.
S: OK. That’ll be fine.
J: What time will you be arriving?
S: We will arrive at 2, on December 22nd.
J: OK. We will make a perfect arrangement for your company.
S: Thank you very much. See you.
J: Goodbye.
1. 两位客人乘坐出租车来到了天天酒店,行李比较多,有三只手提箱放在出租车的后箱李建假如爱有天意。
J=Jane (Bellman)  S=Stephen Nobel (Guest)
J: Good morning. Welcome to our hotel
S:  Good morning.
J: Mind your steps, madam.
she sheroS: Thank you.
J: Do you have luggage left in the car?
S: Oh, yes. There are three suitcases left in the trunk.
J: OK. Let me carry the luggage for you, madam.
S: That’s very kind of you.
J: My pleasure. Shall we go to the Reception Desk to check in now?
S: OK. After you.
2. 一对年轻夫妇带着不满周岁的孩子来到天天酒店住宿应接员迎了上去,把他们带进
J: Good morning, sir and madam. What a lovely baby, Welcome to our hotel.
S: Oh, here at last, It has been a really tiring trip.
边疆的泉水清又纯简谱J: May I lead the way to the reception counter?
S: All right. But we need a hot bath and a comfortable bed. I haven’t slept for two days. And my wife is also so tired now. We can’t walk any more.
J: I’m sorry to hear that. I’m sure you’ll sleep well here, sir. Our room are very quiet.
S: I hope so.
trine2J: This way, please.
S: After you.
1. 斯蒂芬·诺贝尔在中国旅行,现在他来到天天酒店的前台,要求在此住两个晚上因为
J:  Good morning, sir. Can I help you?
S:  Yes, please. I would like to check in.
J:  Do you have a reservation?
S:  No, I haven’t booked a room.
J:  May I have your name, please?
S:  Stephen Nobel.
J:  Would you please fill out the registration form?
S:  Sure. Is this all right?
J:  Please write down your permanent address here.
S:  Sure.
J:  Thank you. Your room number is 2608. Here is the key to the room.
S:  Thank you.
J:  My pleasure. Shall we go to the Reception Desk to check in now?罗莎 卡拉乔洛
S:  OK. After you.
2. 斯蒂芬·诺贝尔是天天酒店的常住客人,离开一个月后又回到该酒店入住
J:  Good morning, Mr. Nobel. It’s so nice to see you again. How are you?