to start 用法
To Start 用法
“to start”是一个常用的短语,用于描述开始或启动某些活动或过程。在本文中,我们将详细介绍”to start”的不同用法,并提供相关说明和示例
1. To start with
“to start with”是指首先或首要的。它常用于引入一个主要观点或一系列论据。
示例: - To start with, we need to analyze the root cause of the problem. (首先,我们需要分析问题的根本原因。) - To start with, let’s discuss the benefits of regular exercise. (首要的是,让我们讨论一下定期锻炼的好处。)
2. To start off
“to start off”意味着开始执行某事或提起话题。这个短语通常用于正式或非正式的场合。
示例: - To start off the meeting, let’s review the agenda. (为了开始会议,让我们先复习一下议程。) - To start off our discussion, I want to talk about the latest research findings. (开始我们的讨论,我想谈谈最新的研究发现。)
快乐崇拜3. To start over
“to start over”意味着重新开始或从头再来。这个短语常用于解决问题或重新尝试某事。
示例: - After making a mistake, it’s better to admit it and start over. (犯错后,最好承认并重新开始。) - The painting didn’t turn out as expected, so I decided to start over from scratch. (这幅画没有达到预期的效果,所以我决定从头开始。)
4. To start up
“to start up”意味着启动或建立一家公司或企业。这个短语通常用于创业和商业方面的语境中。
示例: - She successfully started up her own software company. (她成功地创办了自己
的软件公司。) - They are planning to start up a new business venture in the fitness industry. (他们计划在健身行业创立一项新的业务。)
5. To get started
“to get started”表示开始实际行动或准备开始某事。
示例: - Let’s gather all the necessary materials and get started on the project. (让我们收集所有必要的材料,并开始这个项目。) - If you want to learn a new language, the first step is to get started with vocabulary. (如果你想学一门新语言,第一步就是开始学习词汇。)
“to start”是一个多功能的短语,可以用于不同的语境和场合中。掌握这些不同的用法,将为您的表达提供更多选择和灵活性。希望本文提供的解释和示例对您有所帮助!
To Start 用法(续)
6. To start from
“to start from”意思是从某个特定的点或位置开始。
下载音乐免费听歌示例: - Our journey will start from the airport. (我们的旅程将从机场开始。) - Let’s start from chapter 1 and work our way through the book. (让我们从第一章开始,按顺序读完这本书。)
7. To start on
“to start on”意味着开始进行某项活动、工作或任务。
示例: - We will start on the renovation project next week. (我们下周开始进行装修工程。) - The team is ready to start on the new marketing campaign. (团队已经准备好开始进行新的营销活动了。)
8. To start the ball rolling
“to start the ball rolling”意味着开始一个行动或过程,以启动其他人的参与。
示例: - Let’s start the ball rolling by brainstorming ideas for the project. (让我们开始集思广益,为这个项目出点子。) - One suggestion is enough to start the ball rolling and get the conversation going. (只需要一个建议就足够开始推动并引发对话了。)
9. To start a conversation
“to start a conversation”意味着开始对话或与他人交流。
示例: - He always finds it difficult to start a conversation with strangers. (他总是觉得与陌生人开始对话很困难。) - To start a conversation, you can ask about the other person’s hobbies or interests. (为了开始对话,你可以询问对方的爱好或兴趣。)
10. To start to + verb
“to start to + 动词”表示开始做某事或执行某个动作。
优衣库女主角自杀示例: - I need to start to prepare for the exam. (我需要开始准备考试。) - She started to learn how to play the guitar last year. (她去年开始学习弹吉他。)
通过了解”to start”的不同用法,我们可以更加灵活地运用这个短语,准确地表达我们的意思。希望本文所提供的解释和示例对您有所帮助!