        摘要谢芊彤 音乐欣赏是音乐教学的重要组成部分,但音乐欣赏课的现状不容乐观,学生喜欢音乐不喜欢上音乐欣赏课的现象普遍存在。本文就这一现状进行分析思考。并对如何改变现状,探究了一些具体的方法:如,精心组织上课材料,激发学生兴趣,根据学生实际情况精心设计教法等与大家交流探讨。
        关键词 音乐欣赏 流行音乐 兴趣寄生 吴克 闪亮的爸爸静蕾教法
        中图分类号: G632文献标识码:A
        Status Analysis and Thinking of Music Appreciation Class
        TAO Yuelan
女孩与机器人        (Attached Experimental Middle School of Suzhou University, Suzhou, Anhui 234000)
        AbstractMusic Appreciation is an important part of teaching music, but the music appreciation class is not optimistic, students like music but don't like the music appreciation class is widespread. This paper analyzes and reflects on the status. Explore some specific ways on how to change the status quo: for example, well-organized class materials, stimulate students' interest, designed to share and discuss teaching methods according to the actual situation of students, etc.张伟欣个人资料