刘惜君 到不了
英语作文 MyGirlfriend
  I hesitate for a moment after writing down the title of this article, because I've no idea where to start this story。 My girl friend definitely can not be described by only a few words。 Some times she turns to me and asks "Why do you love me?" I am always stuck at that moment and then after a minute or two utter a few words "Because you're so good。" I know my vague answer never satisfies her。 But how can I reply otherwise?
  Yes, she's so good。 There're numerous examples I can cite to illustrate her tenderness, delicacy, warmth and her genuine love for me。 A call on the cold winter night, a surprising birth day gift, a pair of gloves that warm up not only my hands, so many times has my heart melted into a sentiment called "being moved"。
坚强的人 张若昀
  I'm not a good tempered guy。 However, my girlfriend never loses her temper whenever I am not in a good mood or even say sharp words to her。 At that time, she'd look at me with great care and touch my hands with hers to calm me down。That's her graceful manner to show her deepest concern。
南部之星  I have never written a love letter to her though I've received many from my dearest girlfriend。 It's not that I'm unwilling to pose one, but that I find it impossible to convey my feelings to her with written words。 We've been in love for more than one year。 But if once more asked to give reasons why I love her, I guess I'd still say because she's so good。
  I can't further this generalized answer into details because it takes me lifetime to do so。
谷慧子  简 评
  本文中,作者描述了女友的种种好处,表达了对女友的真挚感情。作者通过一些语言和行为表现了女友的细心温柔和对他的关心,如寒冷冬夜里的  、意想不到的礼物、在他心情时候关心他等。文章语言流畅,感情真挚,字里行间流露出对女友的至爱,令人很受感动。如能举一两个详细的例子,少一些抽象的概述,那么女友的形象会更加饱满。 连奕名主演的电视剧