Trouble is a friend
Trouble will find you no matter where you go,oh oh.无论你躲到哪,麻烦都会上你。oh oh
No matter if you're fast no matter if you're slow,oh oh.无论你是快还是慢,oh oh
The eye of the storm and the cry in the morn, oh oh.在早晨痛哭,就像暴雨来袭。oh oh
Your fine for a while but then start to lose control.你暂时安好,但也即将失控。
一起向未来歌曲He's there in the dark,He's there in my heart.他就在黑暗中,他就在我心里。
He waits in the winds.他在幕后等待。
He's gotta play a part.他准备发威
Trouble is a friend,yeah.麻烦是个朋友。
Trouble is friend of mine.oh oh!麻烦是我的一个朋友,oh oh.
So don't be alarmed if he takes you by the arm. 因此,即使他抓住了你的手臂也不要惊慌。
I roll down the window,i'm a sucker for his charm.我摇下车窗,臣服于他。fly away
Trouble is a friend,yeah.麻烦是个朋友,yeah
Trouble is a friend of mine.oh oh!麻烦是我的一个朋友,oh oh
Oh how i hate the way he makes me feel.Oh,我厌恶他给我的感受。林俊杰学不会专辑
细说乾隆主题曲And how i try to make him leave,i try.我该如何赶他离开,我尽力
Oh oh I try.我尽力
But he's there in the dark.他就在黑暗中。
He's there in my heart.他就在我心里。
He waits in the winds.他在幕后等待。
He's gotta play a part.他准备发威
Trouble is a friend,yeah.麻烦是个朋友。。
Trouble is a friend of mine.oh oh!麻烦是我的一个朋友,oh oh
So don't be alarmed if he takes you by the arm.因此,即使他抓住了你的手臂也不要惊慌。
Iroll down the window,i'm a sucker for his charm.我摇下车窗,臣服于他。
Trouble is a friend,yeah.麻烦是个朋友。
电视剧黑鸭子Trouble is a friend of mine.Oh oh!麻烦是我的一个朋友,oh oh