《把悲伤留给自己》                  Leave Sorrow to Me
/: 陈升                            配译:陕北老田、西北阿杜
不能让我陪着你走                    Could you let me walk with you?
既然你说留不住你                      Since you say I can’t keep you.
回去的路有些黑暗                      The way back home is sort of dark.
担心让你一个人走                      I fear it’s too dark for you alone.
我想是因为我不够温柔                  All coz my arms can’t tenderly hold,
不能分担你的忧愁                      And may not share your sorrow.
如果这样说不出口崇拜的歌词                      If It’s hard for me to say no,
最嗨的dj就把遗憾放在心中不再犹豫歌词                      then leave the regret in heart and soul.
把我的悲伤留给自己                    Bring all my sorrow,leave it to me.
你的美丽让你带走                      Take your beauty away with you.
从此以后我再没有快乐起来的理由        Since now I’ve no reason to be happy at all.
把我的悲伤留给自己                    Bring all my sorrow,leave it to me.
你的美丽让你带走                      Take your beauty away with you.
我想我可以忍住悲伤                    I would withhold my woe and sorrow.
可不可以你也会想起我                  Would you think of me also, would you?
是不是可以牵你的手啊                  Could you let me take your hand up?
从来没有这样要求                      I did never ask to do so.
怕你难过转身就走                     Coz I fear you’ll leave me and go.
那就这样吧,我会了解的                Then let it be so, then I will know.
把我的悲伤留给自己                   Bring all my sorrow,leave it to me.
你的美丽我一直在路上dj让你带走                      Take your beauty away with you.
从此以后我再没有快乐起来的理由        Since now I’ve no reason to be happy at all.
我想我可以忍住悲伤                    I would withhold my woe and sorrow.
假装生命没有你                      Pretend never 李宇春2009演唱会to know of you.
从此以后我在这里日夜等待你的消息      Since now I’m waiting here day and night to hear from you.
能不能让我陪着你走                    Could you let me walk with you?
既然你说留不住你                      Since you say I can’t keep you.
无论你在天涯海角                      Even you are at ends of the earth.
时不时你偶尔会想起我                  Would you often or sometimes think of me?
可不可以你也会想起我                  Could you sometimes also think of me?
可不可以...                            Could you let me…歌词秀