维塔斯 operaMusic vs. IQ (精读课文)
Is music enjoyed simply for being a nice little tune? No, there are things far more important than whether you actually like the song.
For one thing, you must consider whether the band or artist you are listening to is currently fashionable. After all, you wouldn't want to look out of touch. What's more, you need to make sure your favourite music doesn't mark you out as "dumb." A recent survey shows some interesting relationships between music and IQ. Want to know what your music says about your intelligence? Here's a list.
Super intelligent
Beethoven - The German composer comes top of the list. Classical music is often associated with intelligence.
Quite intelligent
U2 - The Irish rock band is the choice for people of moderate intelligence, who enjoy politically charged songs like Sunday Bloody Sunday.
Coldplay (酷玩乐队) - The indie band is for those not looking for anything out of the ordinary.
A little dumb
Kayne West - Never top of the class at school? This Chicago rapper should be right up your street.
Very dumb
天下的妹Lil Wayne - The US rapper comes bottom of the survey for intelligence, but still sells millions of records around the world. How come?
This is the website for more details: musicthatmakesyou
/. The results have already stirred much debate. Of course, to describe someone's music taste as dumb is to insult them. Anyway, don't take this survey too seriously. Enjoy any music you like!