三年级英语绘本chinese new year翻译马天宇不雅照
张瑶老公It's the new year's day. The new year's Eve has finally arrived. After dinner in the evening, my family went out to watch the fireworks, but this year the haze is very serious, and there are clouds everywhere. Compared with previous years, there are many fewer fireworks. It may be because of the weather. In order not to pollute the air, we reduced the number of fireworks. This did not affect my mood for the new year. I am still happy, that mother is happy. I bought two boxes of flying rats and a cannon. Our family fell together. We were very happy.
What is worth mentioning about our children is that adults give us new year's money. From the 30th to the 5th day of the lunar new year, people give me new year's money when they visit relatives. I also politely say "Happy New Year" and "congratulations on getting rich". With these lucky money, I can buy a lot of things. For example, school supplies, you can also buy clothes and snacks. I will study harder and prosper day by day.
卓文萱电视剧This is the Chinese New Year.我们的歌 王力宏
过年了,期盼已久的新年——除夕终于到了。晚上吃了晚饭,我们一家出去看烟花,可是今年雾霾很厉害,到处云雾缭绕,比起往年放的烟花少了很多,可能是因为天气原因吧,为了不再污染空 气,减少了放烟花。这并没有影响我过年的心情。我依然那妹高兴,那妹开心。我买了两盒飞天鼠,还有摔炮,我们一家一起摔了起来,开心极了。
更让我们小朋友 值得一提的是大人给我们发压岁钱,从三十到初五到哪走亲戚,都有人给我发压岁钱,我也很有礼貌地说一句“新年好”“恭喜发财”之类的话。有了这些压岁钱,我可以买很 多东西。比如学习用品,也可以买衣服,买一些零食。辞旧迎新,迎来了新的一年,我会更加努力学习,蒸蒸日上。