( 2013  届 )
论文题目  吴亦凡都美竹事件Remarks on Modern American Slang
论文题目    浅谈美国现代俚语       
专    业      英语教育           
班    级      2013级本科         
准考证号      011114300840         
考    生        刘利玉             
指导教师        张艳               
Remarks on Modern American Slang
Liu Liyu
Abstract: Expressions that can be called slang make up a major part of American communication in movies, television, radio, newspapers, magazines and informal spoken conversation. This paper looks at the characteristics and the formations of modern American slang. Also, an attempt is made to further discuss the rhetorical features of American slang. In order to have a better communication with American people and a better understanding of the communication, the study of slang is necessary.
Key words: American slang; characteristics and formations; rhetorical features
Remarks on Modern American Slang
Guangdong University of Foreign Studies 2013 Liu Liyu
Tutor: Zhang yan
Expressions that can be called slang make up a major part of American communication in movies, television, radio, newspapers, magazines and informal spoken conversation. 情人节每天都过This paper looks at the characteristics and the formations of modern American slang. Also, an attempt is made to further discuss the rhetorical features of American slang. In order to have a better communication with American people and a better understanding of the communication, the study of slang is necessary.
2Literature review
Many researchers have studied the characteristics and formations of American slang. In this paper the writer will briefly analyse them and will further discuss the rhetorical devices of Modern American slang. There are many papers have discussed the lexical rhetorical devices of American slang. This paper not only want to mention the lexical rhetorical devices but also the phonetic rhetorical devices of American slang as well.
3Brief analyses of modern American slangs
Many linguists are trying to define slang. As for the definition of slang, different people may have different ideas. There have been various definitions on slang since its birth. Many of them are very impressive:
“Slang is a language which takes off its coat, rolls up its sleeves, spits on its hands—and goes to work” (Carl Sandburg 1878-1967王汀). “Slang is the speech of him who robs the literary garbage cans on their way to the dumps” (Ambrose Bierce, Epigrams p. 358). Also, the definition of slang offered by Wikipedia is “Slang consists of a lexicon of non-standard words and phrases in a given language.”At present, a more acceptable and objective definition is offered by Longman Dictionary of English Language & Culture (English-Chinese):“…very informal language that includes new and sometimes not polite words and meanings, is often used among particular groups of people, and is usually not used in serious speech or writing”. (1649)