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As a newly-added Olympic sport, surfing is attracting more attention than ever before. Here is a selection of the top surfing destinations across America.
Coastal Delaware offers plenty of fun waves along the shore of several cute towns. Due to the waves crashing close to the shore, Dewey beach is also a global skim boarding hotspot and happens to be the east coast capital for the sport. If you're planning a visit, check out the popular “Summer Vibes" festival for some beach fun.
Atlantic City, New Jersey
When world-famous surfer and Olympic Gold medalist Duke Kahanamoku, often referred to as “the father of surfing/9古剑奇谭郑爽 visited the mainland United States in the early 1900s, he rode his
longboard off the coast of Atlantic City. The beaches here are wide and beautiful—— and locals catch waves year-round.
The Rockaways, New York无颜女 徐良
Located a short distance from Manhattan, the Rockaways attracts new and experienced surfers from across the globe. Be sure to come prepared in winter with a wet suit, while summer brings much warmer water temperatures. Afterwards, explore the town as there's plenty of cafes, boutiques, and restaurants steps from the sand.
Cocoa Beach, Florida
Situated about 45 minutes from Orlando, Cocoa Beach is a renowned surf town that's home to two of the world's best surfers (Caroline Marks and Kelly Slater) and a favorite fbr surfers of all levels. This family-friendly town has lots of activities for everyone. When you're not in the water, you can stroll the Historic Cocoa Village and its shops, cafes, and galleries.
1.What is the most suitable time for surfers to enjoy beach fun in Delaware?
A. January.B. August.C. October.D. December.
2.What are you advised to do in the Rockaways?
A. Surf with Olympic Gold medalists.
B Check out the surfing festival for fun.
C. Explore the ancient town on the beach.
1.推理判断题。根据"Delaware”局部关键句“If you're planning a visit, check out the popular “Summer Vibes” festival for some beach ftm.”(如果你打算去旅游,可以去看看流行的“夏日 气氛”节,享受一下海滩上的乐趣。)可知,在特拉华州的“夏日气氛”节,你可以享受海滩 上的乐趣,根据节日名字可知,这是夏季举办的节日,结合选项可知,“Augus仔(八月) 属于夏季,由此可知,在特拉华州,冲浪者最适合在八月享受海滩乐趣。应选B项。
2.细节理解题。根据"The Rockaways, New York”局部关键句田丽 马景涛“Be sure to come prepared in winter with a wet suit, while summer brings much warmer water temperatures.“ (冬天——定要有备而 来,带着防寒衣,而夏天的水温要高得多。)可知,如果你冬天到洛威克冲浪,因为水温较 冷,要带着防寒衣,由此可知,在洛威克你被建议为冬天的冷水做好准备,带着防寒衣。 应选D项。
3.细节理解题。根据"Cocoa Beach, Florida”局部关键句"This family-friendly town has lots of activities for everyone."(这个适合家庭的小镇有很多适合每个人的活动。)可知,可可海滩 是个适合全家人一起旅行的地方,有很多适合每个人的活动,由此可知,可可海滩最适合 一家人去旅行。应选A项。
本文属于夹叙夹议的文章。文章主要讲述了作者的父亲用实用的建议和实际行动来表达对 作者的爱。
4.细节理解题。根据文中"Fathers have a lot of love to give, but ifs often supplied through the medium of practical advice.,,(父亲们有很多爱可以给予,但通常是通过实用的建议来给予 的。)可知,父亲是通过给作者提供许多使用的建议来表达他的爱。所以“Byoffering helpful advice."(通过提供有用的建议。)符合题意。应选C项。
5.推理判断题。根据第三段中“Why can't we fathers just say “I love you” or “It's great to see you” ? The point is: That's exactly what we are saying. You just have to translate from
the language that is Fatherlish. "(为什么我们的父亲就不说"我爱你或者“很高兴见到你“?其本 质在于:这正是我们所说的。你需要从父亲式的语言中进行领悟。)可知,父亲们是在间接 表达他们的孩子的关心;作者讲述自己17岁的那次旅行,目的就是为了表达父亲隐藏的 爱。所以“To exemplify the unique parental concem.^^ (举例说明父母特有的关心)符合题 意。应选A项。
6.推理判断题。根据最后一段"Dad's long gone now. But after all these years, I realize that had I owned a copy of the Fatherlish-to-English dictionary, Td have understood that the speech my friend and I so casually mocked was simply Dad's attempt at affection.(爸爸去世彳艮多年了。 但过了这么多年,我才意识到,如果我有一本父亲式语言的英语字典,我就会明白,我和 朋友如此随意地嘲笑的那句话,只不过是父亲想表达爱意的一种尝试。)可知,作者在文中 使用了虚拟语气“had I would have done”可推断出作者是在表达一种遗憾和后悔 情感。所以力regretted making fun of my father's speech. "(我后悔嘲笑父亲的话。)符合题 意。应选complicated 吉他谱B项。
7.推理判断题。从文中“Have you checked the oil in the car?”(你检查过车里的油了吗?)
“Hello, hope you are well."(希望你一切安好);"I'll hold the ladder while you get the leaves off the roof『(去取屋顶上的树叶,我帮你扶着梯子。)等这些语言里,可知父亲对孩子很 关心,并且为孩子考虑的很周到。所以“Caring and considerate."(关心和体贴。)符合题 意。应选A项。
【导语】这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了一项研究,研究说明在寻解决方案时,我们的大脑更倾向 于选择增加而不是减除,并介绍了研究结果的意义。
8.词句猜想题。划线词句前半局部“A study of 8 different experiments showed that our brains tend to prefer addition (一项由8个不同实验组成的研究说明,我们的大脑更倾向于
选择增加厂以 及后半局部“when it comes to finding solutions—in many cases, it seems we just don't consider the strategy of taking something away at all (在寻解决方案时,在很多情况卜,我们似乎根 本没有考虑过减掉某样东西的策略。厂说明在寻解决方案时,人们的大脑更倾向于选择 增加而没有考虑减掉某样东西的策略,从而推知划线局部“rather than subtraction (而不是 subtractionV其中划线词汇应为“减掉”的意思,选项A“消除”与之意义最为接近。应选A 项。
9.推理判断题。根据第二段"The researchers found that this preference for adding was noticeable in three situations in particular: when people were under higher cognitive (认知的)load, when there was less time to consider the other options, and when volunteers didn't get a specific reminder that subtracting was an option.(研究人员发现,这种选择增加的偏好在以下三种情 况下尤为明显:当人们的认知负荷较高时,当人们没有时间考虑其他选择时,当志愿者没 有得到明确的提示,减除是一种选项时。""when there was less time to consider the other options”可推知,当人们没有时间考虑其他选择,需要匆忙决定时,人们更喜欢选择增加。 应选D项。