My House
We have just moved into a new flat,like most people here living in their houses in the suburbs. Our house is big though it consists only two floors.
On the first floor there is the dining room, the lounge or sitting room, the kitchen and the hall. In the hall we set a stand for hats, coats and umbrellas. A staircase leads from the hall to the landing on the second floor; On this floor there are four bedrooms, a bathroom and a lavatory.
In front of the house we have a small garden in which we grow flowers: roses,tulips and some fruit trees. Thereis also a vegetable garden where we grow all kinds of vegetables, such as cabbages, cauliflowers, and tomatoes. We all know how to plant vegetables for my father was once a vegetable grower.
刘亦菲宋承宪分手At the side of the house is a garage. We haven't  got a car up to now, but my moths said: we'd have one at the end of this year. People ,in this high-consumer city are very rich, not like the people live in the inland,cities.
My house is beautiful. My house has a big garden and have many pretty flowers.I love my house because it is so colourful.
It has red , blue, green outside the house. Also, my house has a large bedroom and a opened kitchen. I always cook in the kitchen at rest time. Moreover, my house has a toy room for my little brother for playing.
I have a house. It is big and new.我有一所房子。它很大很新。
There are eight rooms in it. They are a living-room, a kitchen, three bedrooms, one study and two bathrooms. I watch TV in the living-room. I do my homework in the study. I have dinner in the kitchen.它有八个房间。有一个客厅,一个厨房,三个卧室,一个书房和两个洗手间。我在客厅里面看电视。在书房里面写作业。在厨房里面吃饭。
This is my house. I like it.这就是我的房子。我很喜欢它。