1.afford[ə'fɔːd]v.给予; 供应得起; 提供
2.anonymity[ænə'nɪmətɪ]n.匿名; 匿名者, 无名者; 作者不详
3.user ['juːzə(r)]n.使用者, 权利的实际享有, 使用物
4.blessing ['blesɪŋ]n.祝福;认可
5.privacy['praɪvəsɪ /'prɪv-]n.隐私, 秘密, 隐居
6.speech[spɪːtʃ]n.演讲, 谈话, 说话
⏹The Internet affords anonymity to its users,
a blessing to privacy and freedom of speech.
9.sweep[swɪːp]n./ v.打扫, 清扫; 绵亘, 伸展, 延伸,横扫; 一挥; 曲线
⏹But that very anonymity is also behind the explosion of cyber-crime
that has swept across the Web.
10.preserve [prɪ'zɜrv /-'zɜːv]邓伦什么时候出道
n.蜜饯, 禁猎地, 果酱v.保存, 保藏; 保护; 防腐; 维护; 做蜜饯, 禁猎
11.safety['seɪftɪ]n.安全, 安全设备, 保险
12.security[sɪ'kjʊrətɪ /-kjʊər-]n.安全; 防护, 防御; 防备, 保安; 保证
13.seem[sɪːm]v.像是, 似乎
14.increasingly [ɪn'krɪːsɪŋlɪ]adv.逐渐地, 渐增地
15.lawless [ 'lɔːlɪs]adj.非法的; 违法的
⏹Can privacy be preserved while bringing safety and security
to a world that seems increasingly lawless?
16.nation['neɪʃn]n.国家, 民族
18.federal government ['fedərəl 'gʌvənmənt]联邦政府
19.proposal [prə'pəʊzl]n.提议, 求婚, 计划
⏹Last month, Howard Schmidt, the nation‟s cyber-czar,
offered the federal government a proposal to make the Web a safer place
20.voluntary ['vɑləntərɪ /'vɒləntrɪ]
n.即兴演奏, 志愿者adj.自动的, 主动的, 自愿的
22.identity[aɪ'dentətɪ]n.同一性; 一致; 身份
23.system['sɪstəm]n.系统, 制度, 体系
24.high tech [‚haɪ‚tek]高科技的; 高科技设计的
25.equivalent [e'quiv·a·lent || -nt]
n.同等物, 相等物, 等价物adj.相等的; 同意义的; 相当的
26.physical key 生理(物理)按键
27.fingerprint ['fiŋgəˌprint] n.指纹, 特征 v.取指纹, 鉴别特征
29.Roll into 结合为,整合为,形成为
⏹  a “voluntary trusted identity” system
that would be the high-tech equivalent of a physical key,
a fingerprint and a photo ID card, all rolled into one.
30.smart [smɑːt]adj. 智能的;聪明的, 刺痛的, 漂亮的; 整齐的
31.digital ['dɪdʒɪtl]adj.数字的
33.link[lɪŋk]n.环, 节; 纽带; 环节; 联系, 关系v.连接, 结合;勾住; 联系;
乔任梁倒吊图片 真实34.specific[spɪ'sɪfɪk]n.特性; 详情adj.特殊的, 特定的;明确的
⏹The system might use a smart identity card,
or a digital credential linked to a specific computer .
35.authenticate [au'then·ti·cate || -keɪt]v.证实, 证明, 鉴定
36.a range of 一套, 一系列
⏹The system might authenticate users
at a range of online services.
38.idea [aɪ'dɪə]n.主意; 计划; 打算; 构想
40.federation[fedə'reɪʃn]n.联邦, 联盟, 联合
41.private ['praɪvɪt]n.士兵, 列兵;不公开;adj.私人的, 私立的, 秘密的
⏹The idea is to create a federation
of private online identity systems.
42.select [sɪ'lekt]
v.选择, 挑选; 作出选择, 挑选adj.挑选出来的, 极好的
adj. 注册的; 登记过的;已挂号的; 附有血统证明的
v. 浏览;航行于, 操纵, 驾驶; 航行, 航空; 导航; 驾驶船舶
⏹User could select which system to join,
and only registered users whose identities have been authenticated
could navigate those systems.
n.门径, 接近;方式,途径v.靠近; 动手处理; 接近
n.对比; 差异; 对照, 相反, 变化; 清晰度, 暗亮像素之间的差异 (计算机用语)
v.使对比, 使对照; 形成对照
48.driver ['draivə] n.驾驶员, 司机, 驱动器 n.驱赶者,高尔夫球棒, [机]起子
49.license['laɪsns]n.许可; 执照v.许可
50.issue ['ɪʃuː]n.发行, 后果, 问题v.发行; 造成...结果; 流出;发行,发布
⏹The approach contrasts with one
that would require an Internet driver‟s license
issued by the government.
51pany ['kʌmpənɪ]n.公司, 交际, 友伴
52.Sign-on 登记,签署,注册
53.possible['pɑsəbl /'pɒ-]
adj.可能的; 合理的, 可允许的; 有可能的; 合适的, 尚可的
54.log in请求联机, 注册
李弘基 藤井美菜
<[wʌns]adv.一次, 一旦, 曾经conj.一旦, 一经...便n. 一次, 曾经, 从前
56.service ['sɜːvɪs]n.服务; 效劳;服侍v.为...服务;
⏹Gogle and Microsoft are among companies
that already have these “single si gn-on” systems
that make it possible for users to log in just once
but use many different services.
57.in effect adj. 实际上, 正在实行, 有效
58.walled garden 有墙的花园
n.邻近地区; 邻近, 接近; 近邻,整个街坊;邻里情谊
61.streetlight ['stri:tlait] n. 路灯, 街灯
62.establish [ɪ'stæblɪʃ]v.建立, 制定, 确立
63.sense[sens]n.感官; 感觉; 官能; 意识v.感到, 认识, 理解
64munity [kə'mjuːnətɪ]
n.社区, 共同社会; 社会, 公众; 共同体; 共有
⏹In effect .the approach would create a “walled garden” in cyberspace,
with safe “neighborhoods” and bright “streetlights”
to establish a sense of a trusted community.
65.describe[dɪ'skraɪb]v.描写; 形容; 记述
67.individual[ɪndɪ'vɪdjʊəl]n. 人, 个体, 个人adj.个别的, 独特的
69plete[kəm'pliːt]v.使齐全; 完成;结束adj.完整的; 结束的
72.infrastructure ['infrə'strʌktʃə] n.基础, 基础设施
73.run[rʌn]n.跑, 奔跑, 赛跑v.跑, 奔,操作, 运转; 管理, 指导;
⏹Mr. Schmidt described it as a “voluntary ecosystem”
in which “individuals and organizations can complete online transactions with
confidence ,trusting the identities of each other
and the identities of the infrastructure on which the transaction runs”.
n.经营, 管理; 行政, 施政; 监督; 管理部门; 行政部门
75.divide [di·vide]n.分歧, 不和; 分水岭v. 分, 划分; 分享;分配;意见分歧; 分裂
76.right[raɪt]n. 权利, 正义, 右边v.纠正
77.activist[' 'æktɪvɪst]n. 活动家;激进主义份子, 行动主义者; 活跃份子
⏹Still, the administration‟s plan has divided privacy rights activists.
78.applaud[ap·plaud]v.鼓掌欢迎; 喝彩; 赞成;向...鼓掌; 称赞; 向...喝彩
⏹Some applaud the approach; others are concerned.
80.scheme[skɪːm]n. 方案, 图谋, 体制v.计划; 策划, 密谋; 设计; 拟订计划; 搞阴谋
81.initiative[ɪ'nɪʃɪətɪv]n. 初步行动,主动adj.开始的; 创始的; 初步的
82.push toward 推进
83.eventually[iˈventʃuəli]adv.最后; 终于
84pulsory[kəmˈpʌlsəri]adj.被强制的, 义务的, 强迫的
⏹It seems clear that such a scheme
is an initiative push toward what would eventually
be a compulsory Int ernet “drive‟s license” mentality.
< [gri:t] vt.迎接, 问候, 致敬, 作出反应
87.be greeted with (=be greeted by)受到 ... 的对待
88.skepticism ['skeptisizəm] n. 怀疑论,怀疑态度, 怀疑主义
91.vulnerable[  'vʌlnərəbl]adj.易受伤害的, 易受攻击的, 有弱点的
⏹The plan has also been greeted with skepticism
by some computer security experts,
who worry that the “voluntary ecosystem”
envisioned by Mr. Schmidt
would still leave much of the Internet vulnerable.
92.argue[  'ɑːgjuː]v.辩论; 认为, 主张; 议论; 说服; 辩论; 争论
93. be forced to do被强迫做…
95.public road 公用道路
⏹They argue that all Internet users
should be forced to register and identify themselves,
in the same way that drivers
must be licensed to drive on public roads.
96.join[dʒɔɪn]n.连接; 接合点; 结合v.连接; 参加,加入; 结合; 参加; 结合
97.board [bɔːd]
n.木板, 甲板; 厚木板, 平板; 管理委员会,董事会
v.乘船, 用板铺, 供膳食; 搭伙, 包饭; 膳宿
98.outside director 独立董事
99.director [di'rektə] n.董事, 经理, 导演, 主管, 指挥者
100.January ['dʒænjuəri] n.一月
⏹Ruth Simmons joined Goldman Sachs‟s
board as an outside director in January 2000;
1.president ['prezidənt]
n.(国家)总统, (公司)总裁, 校长, 总经理, 社长 adj.<;古>首席的
⏹  a year later she became president of Brown University.
2.decade ['dekeid] n.十年
3.apparently [ə'pærəntli] adv.表面上, 似乎, 显然
4.manage[man·age]v.管理, 维持, 控制;设法应付过去
6.attract [at·tract]v.引起; 吸引; 引起...的注意; 引起注意; 有吸引力
⏹For the rest of the decade she apparently managed both roles
without attracting much criticism.
8.Be under fire 受到攻击
10mittee[ kə'mɪtɪ]n.委员会
⏹But by the end of 2009 Ms. Simmons
was under fire for having sat on
Goldman‟s compensation committee;
12.bonus['bəʊnəs]n.奖金; 红利
13.Payout[`peɪ,aʊt ]n.支出
15.unremarked[,ʌnrɪ`mɑrkt]adj.未被注意的; 不受注意的
⏹how could she have let those enormous
bonus payouts pass unremarked?
16.position[ pə'zɪʃn]
n. 职位;位置, 方位, 地点; 姿势, 姿态; 恰当的位置; 地位v.安置, 决定...的位置
17.take up 占据
⏹By February the next year Ms. Simmons had left the board.
The position was just taking up too much time, she said.
18.be supposed to v.应该;认为必须;被期望
19.serve as 作为
20.helpful [help·ful]adj.有帮助的, 有用的, 有益的
21.biased ['bi·ased]adj.存有偏见的; 偏见的
22.adviser[ad'vis·er]n.顾问; 指导教授; 劝告者
⏹Outside directors are supposed to
serve as helpful, yet less biased, advisers
on a firm‟s board.
23.wealth[welθ]n.财富, 富裕, 丰富
25.presumably[prɪ'zuːməblɪ]adv.推测上, 大概, 假定上
26.independence[in·de·pend·ence]n.独立; 自立; 自主
27.disagree [ˌdisə'gri:] v.不同意, 不一致, 有分歧, 不适应, 不适宜
28.chief executive 首席执行官
29.proposal[pro·pos·al]n. 计划,提议, 求婚