1 a(n) symbolic (象征的) gesture of love
2 The publisher distributed (分发) the book in Asia.
3 A “ site” (地点) is a place, and so a website.
4 a(n) complex (复杂的) network of systems
5 be used to identify (识别) potential terrorists
6 deal the matter with him fairly (完全地)
7 start with a pretty straightforward (直截了当) question
周玗函8 beyond the capability (功能) of the computers
9 hit the target (目标) at a distance
10 the person never attempt (尝试) to do anything more
11 a highly sophisticated process (过程)
12 work within the parameter (限定因素) of time and budget
13 thanks for your kind interpretation (解释)
14 use many technical (专业的) terms
15 Prices range (变化范围) from 340 U.S. Dollars to 390 U.S. Dollars.
16 exploit (开拓) a new market in the city
17 be absorbed in the social networking (社交网络)
周立波 徐峥18 involve (涉及) unnecessary extra charges
19 only one instance (实例) out of many
20 get to know more about the specification (具体的细节) of the wedding
轩辕剑片尾曲叫什么21 accompany (陪伴) with her to watch movies
22 the only thing predictable (可预言的) about life
23learn the profile (概要) of the project
1 throw away a(n) compromised (损坏的) computer
2 earn somebody considerable notoriety (恶名)
3 be used interchangeably (可互换地)
4 A computer has malfunctioned (发生故障).
5 squeeze (挤) milk into the bottle
6 a(n) ingenious (有独创性的) solution to the problem
7 China’s emergence (出现) as a great power
8 of humble (卑微的) birth
9 Cunning (狡猾的) men often pass for wise.
10 exploit their vulnerability (弱点) to fight them
11 a suspected criminal (罪犯)
12 a jacket with leather patches (补丁) on the elbows.
13 the sinister(阴险的) looks on his face
14 This is a(n) daunting (艰巨的) challenge.
15 the virus that can replicate (复制) itself
16 His malicious (恶毒的) gossip caused much mischief.
17 The path spirals(盘旋) up the mountain.
18 a(n) secure(安全的) operating system
19 blur(使模糊) my vision
20 stem(阻止) the spread of an epidemic
21 fall into disrepute (坏名声)
22 solve sophisticated (复杂的) electrical problems
23 harness (利用) natural resources黄觉个人资料
24 write a personal note to each recipient (收件人)
25 convert (转换) holdings into shares
1 irrespective (不管) of their age and education
2 The program must be tailored (迎合) to the needs of your customers.
3 prone(易于) to develop lung cancer
4 opt(选择) for one style or the other
5 He supplies the maximum (最大的) amount of information.
6 These product orders should be coded(编号).
7 the provision (提供) of facilities for children
8 a restaurant catered (合适于) for families
9 the need for a tighter check(检查) on arms sales
10 ready-made (现成的) excuse
11 The aircraft has been modified (改进) and improved.
12 provide treatment on-demand (所要求的)
13 the whereabouts (去向) of the missing documents
14 Hazardous (有害的) waste must be appropriately dealt with.
15 The terrible damage has been incurred (遭受到了).
16 Few of the rules are applicable (适合于) to the country.
17 an industrial developer (开发商)
18 a whole range of services on offer (所提供的)
19host (主持) a talk show
20 It is free or for a nominal(极小的,象征性的) charge.
21 get these accounts certified (核证)
22 a highly automated (自动化) factory
23 a power outage (断供期)
24 Demand and supply are out of sync(同步一致).
25 The evidence can back up (证实) his story.
26 a great victory with minimal (最小的) price
27 a highly mobile(流动的) society
1 A(n) analogy (类比) is drawn between the two things.
2 Cats and birds are seldom compatible (协调的).
3 Distribute (分发) the prizes among the winners.
4 implement (执行) a new policy to help the unemployed
5 The function can be activated (激活) anytime.
6 a(n) static(静止的) view of the world
7 The audiences aggregated (总计达到) a million people.
8 a(n) clone(一模一样的复制品) of a real panda
9 look for a(n) innovative (革新的) way
10 try to find the replacement (替代品) of a damaged desk
11 Their business crashed (突然垮了).
林忆莲经典歌曲12 Their equality is compromised (受到损害).
13 mine(挖掘有价值的) for detailed information
14 a bridge substantial (坚固的) enough to last a hundred years
15 He is a national asset(宝贵的人).
16 centralize (使集中) power in him
17 airport facilities (设施)
18 He has to loose(松开) his hold.
19 monitor (监听) his conversation
20 help individuals integrate (使适应,融合于) into the community
21 From his father he derived(获得) his enthusiasm for sports.