江苏省2022-2023学年高二上学期期中考试含听力英语试卷      What is the woman probably doing
A. Watching a movie
B. Reading a newspaper.
C. Making an advertisement.
What are the speakers talking about in general
A. Their best memories of a relaxing holiday.
B. Their travelling plans for the summer holiday.
C. Their favorite ways of travelling around the world.        When will the meeting begin
A. At 3:20.
B. At 3:40.
C. At 4:00
Where are the speakers
A. In a shop.
B. In a resta urant.
C. In the man’s house.      What does the woman mean
A. She doesn’t need the man’s help.
B. She expects the man to move the desk.
C. She wants to remove the books from the desk.
1.What does the man say about his job
A. The boss is really nice.
B. Workmates look friendly.
C. Workplace is small and noisy.
2.What can we learn from the conversation
A. The boss told the man all the rules.
B. Mark will become the boss this year.
C. The man will cooperate with Mark.
1.Why does the woman talk to the man
A. He lost his student visa.
B. He often makes trouble.
C. He is often absent from class.
2.What is the worst result of the man’s behavior
A. He’ll be sent back home.
B. He’ll have to restart his course.
C. He’ll stay in the police station.
1.What does the man mainly mention about Helen
A. Changes in her character.
B. Problems with teachers.
C. Relationships with parents.
2.What does the man decide to do in the end
红豆曲陈力A. Have a talk with Helen.
B. Talk with Helen’s father.
C. Spend more time with Helen.
3.What can we learn about Helen
A. Her parents are very busy.
B. Classmates dislike her.
C. Teachers worry about her.
1.What did Nick and Mel do when they were young
A. They learned to act at school.
B. They went to live concerts with their father.
C. They were encouraged to play music by their mother
2.When was the band Krispy started
A. After Nick and Mel played together.
B. After Nick began studying at a music school.
C. After two musicians saw Nick and Mel playing.
3.What do we know about the band in the first year
A. They recorded two albums.非常完美华嘉元
B. They joined a music company.
C. They were welcome in the concert
4.What has disappointed the man
A. Parents forbade them to join a company.iceking
B. His illness delayed a new album recording.
C. The first album has sold under a million copies.
1.What can be clearly affected if teenagers lack sleep
A. Their spirits.
B. Their long-term health.张敬轩的图片
C. Their academic performance.
2.What is to blame for teenagers not getting enough sleep according to the speaker
A. Poor diet.
B. Lack of exercise
C. Too much entertainment
3.What advice does the speaker give to teenagers who have trouble getting to sleep
A. Listen to music.
B. Read a book.
C. Drink hot chocolate.
4.What does the speaker suggest schools should do
A. Start lessons later.
B. Shorten the school day.
C. Offer classes in the evenings.
Due to frequent layoffs, there is anxiety among the employees ________ they may one day be out of work.
A. when
B. how
C. why
D. that
The little boy still needed the ______ 20 dollars to do with the things ______ .
A. remaining; remained to be settled
B. remaining; remaining to be settled
C. remained; remained to settle
D. remained; remaining to
Nowadays many parents tend to be tolerant ________ their children’s choices of majors at university.
A. as a consequence of
B. regardless of
C. in regard to
D. at the mercy of
—The manager has come back from his business trip. He is asking you for the report.
谁在敲打我窗—Oh,my god ! I haven’t finished it yet. But he ________ back at the company tomorrow.
A. was expected
B. will expect
C. expected
D. will be expected
So absorbed in his work ____________that not a sound ___________.
A. was the president; did she dare to make
B. was the president; dared she to make
C. the president was; she dared make
D. the president was; she did dare to make
Mary worked here as a ________ secretary and ended up ________ a full-time job with the company.
A. admirable; getting
B. temporary; getting
C. previous; to get
D. cautious; to get
It was obvious that there was ________ between accounts