Unit 1
1. A: Hello, I’m Mary.
B: Hi, Mary. I’m Jack.
2. A: How are you, Jack?
B: I’m fine, thank you.
3. A: What’s your favorite food?
B: I like noodles.
4. A: What color do you like?
B: I like blue.
Unit 2
杨丽萍身高1. A: What did you do yesterday?
似水流年歌词B: I visited my grandparents.
2. A: What did you do there?
B: I played games with them.
3. A: What did you have for breakfast today?
俞灏明烧伤照片B: I had toast and eggs.
电视剧咱们结婚吧演员表4. A: Did you like it?
B: Yes, I did.