
black or white mv
萍聚简谱Some unique features or characteristics that make Americans different from other peoples.
爱是天意  The United States has always had a racially and ethnically diverse population, due to the continuous migrations from Europe, Asia and Africa. Therefore, Americans show the mixture of different cultures, social values and norms, and even life styles. However, in the minds of American Christian believers, the idea that man has an equal soul has been basic to the ethnical evaluation of individual personality, which is dominantly taken from Protestant heritage and its deep individualistic strain. (Maryanne Kearny Datesman et al, 2006) The idea of the worth, dignity, and inviolability of the individual unquestionably owes much to this belief, as to humanitarian ideas and various philosophies of human equality.
1) Individualism and self-improvement
The result has been an American religious tradition ---- which is, on the one hand, deeply individualistic, anti-authoritarian and concerned with sin and salvation and yet, on the other hand, secular and rationalist in its life goals, and concerned with happiness in this world. Americans, growing up in this religious tradition, have had a strong sense of salvation and each believer has been engrossed in his relation not to the church but to God, in whom he was to find salvation. That is, if people sinned, they should seek their forgiveness directly from God rather than from a priest speaking in God’s name. This meant every individual should be responsible for his or her own relationship with God. (Wang Enming, 2010, Summer Lecture) At the same time, they have also formed a secular rather than a sacred society, in which everybody pursued his earthly comforts according to his own conscience. Since they were believing and judging individuals, they did not lean on a priesthood: even their churches were based less on the authority of a hierarchy than on lay presbyters or congregation itself. The conflict between secular social g
oals and the religious conscience has colored both the religious and the democratic experience of America.
One of the most important values associated with American Protestantism is the value of self-improvement. The need for self-improvement once established,