适合比赛的英语小故事 -回复
《为梦想领跑》The Lion and the Mouse
Once upon a time, a lion was taking a nap in the forest. A little mouse came along and ran across the lion's paw. The lion woke up and was very angry. He grabbed the mouse with his paw and was about to eat him.
"Please, sir, don't eat me!" begged the mouse. "One day, I may be able to help you."
The lion laughed. "You're just a little mouse. How could you possibly help me?" he said.
But the lion was feeling generous, so he let the mouse go.
A few days later, the lion was caught in a hunter's trap. He struggled and roared, but he couldn't get free. The little mouse heard the lion's roar and came to help.狮子合唱团
"Remember me, sir?" said the mouse. "I told you that one day, I would be able to help you."
eternal flameThe mouse quickly nibbled through the ropes that were holding the trap shut. The lion was free!
"Thank you, little mouse," said the lion. "You were right. Even the smallest creature can be of help."
From that day on, the lion and the mouse became friends. They learned that size doesn't matter and that everyone can be helpful in their own way.
The Moral of the Story:Even the smallest person can make a big difference. Never underestimate the power of a helping hand.