Favorite movie Titanic
My favorite movie is Titanic, which is a love story about Jack and Ruth. The story takes place on a ship named 'Titanic'. The first time they met on the ship, they fell in love with each other at the first sight. It's the so-called "love at first sight". They come from different classes. The male owner is a poor painter, and the female owner is an aristocrat. They abandoned secular prejudice and fell in love,
However, the beginning of the story is beautiful, and the end is cruel. Later, the ship collided with an iceberg and was about to sink. Many people fell into the sea. The two of them floated on a piece of wood and floated on the sea. Later, Jack left his chance of survival to Ruth, who sacrificed himself. Later Ruth was saved. She was very sad and never married.
What I like most is the sincere love between men and women. There is no class interest, and I don't care about worldly vision. I love what I love, regardless of life or death.