北京中考 英语 完形填空 汇编
A long time ago,there was a poor boy named Tom. He was very hungry,but he had no money to buy food. He decided to 1 a job to earn some money.
she北京演唱会One day,he saw an advertisement for a 2 on a newspaper. The advertisement said that a rich old lady needed someone to help her with her shopping. Tom thought he could do the job and he went to the old lady's house.
When he arrived,the old lady showed him a list of things she needed. Tom was very 3 at the list. He thought it was the easiest job he had ever done. He carried the things to the car and they 4 the store.
When they arrived at the store,the lady showed Tom the things she needed. Tom 5 realized that he had been fooled. The lady needed someone to push the baby carriage! Tom had thought he was going to do some serious work,but he had to push a baby carria
ge around the store!
Tom and the lady walked around the store for two hours. Finally,they went to the checkout counter. The lady was going to pay for the things when Tom 6 her hand and said,“No,you can't pay for this. I should pay for it because I have a job pushing your baby carriage.”
The lady looked at him and then she realized that Tom had been doing the job all along. She laughed and said,“You are
1、 the  ” They both laughed and walked out of the store together.
In life,we often 8 by surprise the things that make us happiest. We think we are going to get a big prize or a lot of money when we 9 that what we are really offered is much more valuable - a chance to learn and to grow.
We should all be 10 to get everything we want in life because we are all unique and special in our own ways.
2、  A. find B. look for C. have D. take