1.They insisted that they ______until the work is finished.
A.didnt rest            B. not rest        C. wouldnt rest        D. dont rest
2.I have no objection _____ the evening with them.
A.to spend            B. of spending        C. spending            D. to spending
3.John is the only one of the workers who ____ to Frances.
A.has been            B. have been        C. had been            D. has being
4.The fear ____ I might not be able to finish the work disturbed me greatly.
A.which                B. what            C. that                D. who
5.So badly ____ in the car accident that he had to stay in hospital for a few months.
A.did he injure        B. injured him        C. was he injured        D. he was injured
6.There _____ nothing more for discussion, the meeting came to an end half an hour earlier.
A.to be                B. being            C. to have been        D. be
7._____ form the top of the hill, the lake is just like a mirror.
A.Seeing            B. Having seen    C. To see                D. Seen
8.磨刀老头By the end of this year, she _____ English for ten years.
A.have studied        B. am studying    C. will have studied        D. studies
9.Thousands of products _____ from crude oil are now in daily use.
A.to make            B. be made        C. making            D. made
10.The grain output of this year is much higher than _____ of last year.
A.that                B. which            C. those                D. what
11.I have never been to Paris, but it is the place ______.
A.where I’d like to visit                B. I most want to visit
C. that I want to visit it                    D. in which Id like to visit
12.______ the tickets by his friend, he hurried to the cinema with it.
A.Being given                        B. Having been given
C. Given                                D. Having given
13._____ were planned by our government on economic development.
A.What                B. That            C. Which                D. Who听见凉山歌词
14.I love watching TV _____ to the cinema.
A.more than to go        B. than going        C. more than going        D. rather than to go
15.It is important that he ______ about the advice given by his friends.花开半夏主题曲
A.thought            B. thinks            C. thinking            D. think
16.The year well produce _____ steel as we did last year.
A.three times as much                    B. as three times much   
C. as much three times                    D. three times much as
17.They worked late into night, ______ a speech for tomorrows opening ceremony.
A.to prepare            B. preparing        C. was preparing        D. prepared
18.I think you are supposed _____ your tasks last week.
A.to be finishing        B. to finish        C. to finishing            D. to have finished
19.It is _____ he is determined.
A.buying a new car that                B. to buy a new car that
C. to buy a new car what                    D. buying a new car which
20.Beethoven is my favorite musician. I regard him as _____ other musicians.
A.superior to                            B. more superior than
C. more superior to                        D. superior than
21.He is not terribly interested in the project, and hed rather that he _____ out to play golf.
A.go                B. goes            C. went                D. going
22.Paul would rather that his brother _____ to the park last Sunday.
A.didn't go            B. hadn暴雨将至’t gone        C. not to go            D. not go
23.______ might be expected, the response to the question was very mixed.
A.That                B. It                C. As                D. What
24.All things ______, the planned trip have to be called off.
A.be considered        B. considered        C. considering            D. having considered
黎诺懿女友25.Evidence came up _____ specific speech sounds are recognized by babies as young as 6 months old.
A.what                B. which            C. that                D. whose
26.You ______ her in her office last Friday. Shes been out of town for two weeks.
A.needn’t have seen    B. can’t have seen    C. must have seen        D. should see
27.______ it is you have found, you must give it back to the person it belongs to.
A.However            B. That            C. Whoever            D. Whatever
28.Go through this door, and you _____ the man waiting for you there.
A.can see            B. will see        C. have seen            D. see
29.Nobody ____ any more to say, the meeting was closed.
A.had                B. has had        C. having                D. had had
30.If he were really interested in buying the flat, Jack _____ an offer before now.
A.must have made        B. will make        C. would make        D. would have made
31.The old engineer talked of the difficulty they ____ the tower.
A.built                B. had building    C. had built            D. build
32._____ with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountain does not seem high at all.
A.When compared    B. Compare        C. While comparing    D. Comparing
33.The wedding present bought last week is said _____ a large amount of money.
A.to be cost him        B. having cost him    C. to have cost him        D. to cost him
34.Many people favor ____ more nuclear power plants.
A.to build            B. building        C. build                D. built
35.A doctor, together with two nurses, _____ sent to that faraway village to help the sick.
A.have been            B. have            C. has                D. has been
36.He found a number of men already ______.
A.worked            B. work            C. working            D. to work
37.By the time I come back from my holiday, you ____ your paper.