1. the连用,意为惟一的,作定语。如:
John is the only boy in his family.约翰是家里惟一的男孩。
John is the only person who can read my mind. 约翰是惟一真正看透我心事的人。
She is the only girl here who knows how to drive a car.她是这儿惟一会开车的姑娘。
Jeremy is the only friend who lives near, all my other friends live far away.
2. only可修饰复数名词,意为仅有的、惟一的一些,作定语。如:
They were the only people present.出席的只有他们这些人。
【真题】There was never any time for Kate to feel lonely, ____ she was an only child. (2005辽宁)
  A. ever since  B. now that  C. even though    D. even as
  【解析】Only child的意思是独生子/女,了解了这一点,可以推断出主从句之间为让步关系,选择C项。全句的意思是:尽管凯特是独生女, 但她在任何时候都从未感到过孤独。
补充:an only child 独生子女 
My mother was an only child. 我母亲是独生女。
Only children are sometimes spoilt. 独生子女有时被宠坏了。
one and only (用以加强语气) 意为“惟一的唯一的;仅有的
It is my one and only hope.这是我惟一的希望。
You have always been my one and only true love. 你一向是我唯一的真正的爱人。
Here he is---the one and only Frank Sinatra! 这就是他--独一无二的弗兰克.西纳特拉!
3. an连用,意为单独的,作定语。如:
Jim was an only son of his parents.吉姆是他父母的独子。
4. the连用,意为最好的、最适当的,作定语。如:
She is the only person for the job.她是做这项工作的最佳人选。
He is the only man for me.对于我来说,他是最合适的人。
The only thing to do on a hot day is to go swimming.在热天最理想的事就是去游泳。
1. 常位于所修饰的动词、短语或从句前,意为只是、仅仅、才如:
At present we can only wait and see.目前我们只好等一等看。
I only touched it.我只不过摸了它一下。
I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.
He only walks to save money;he doesn’t really like walking.
Father gave me this computer only for my birthday.只是因为我过生日,父亲才送给我这台电脑。
My sister is in bed only because she is ill.我在床上躺着,仅仅是因为她病了。
  【例句】Only when she was at an impasse (n. 绝境) did she feel great pleasure in doing so.
  Only at home does my uncle say I am able.
  需要注意的是,如果置于句首的“only + 状语结构是强调句——It is (was)...中被强调的对象,则主句不倒装。
  【例题】It was only when he was in trouble _____ the value of our help.
  A. that did he realize  B. did he realize    C. did that he realize    D. that he realized
  【解析】此例句是含有“only+状语从句的强调句型, 强调的正是时间状语从句,句子用正常语序,正确答案是D项。
2. 意为反而如:
Failure only strengthened our determination.失败反而使我们的决心更坚定了。
3. only和不定式连用常构成结果状语,表示与预料相反的结果、出乎意料或令人失望的结果,意思是竟然……、结果……” 不料;结果却….如:
 【例句】He hurried home only to find the guests had left.
他匆匆忙忙赶回家, 结果发现客人们已经走了。
  【例题】He got to the airport _____ to find that the plane had left two minutes before.
  A. just  B. only    C. in order  D. almost
  【解析】Only + 不定式结构表示令人失望的结果。题干句意为:他到达机场,结果发现飞机在两分钟之前飞走了。正确答案为B项。
  【真题】It took her nearly half a year to find his address, only learning that he had passed away ten years before.(1994上海,改错题)
  【解析】这里需要注意的是only-ing形式连用也可用于表示结果,意为结果只是……”only起强调作用,如:He died only leaving debts. (他死后只留下一身债。) 但是only与不定式结构连用作结果状语,表示意想不到或令人失望的结果。可以看出,句中的结果是令人失望的。因此,“only learning”应改为“only to learn”
  作为连词,连接两个并列成分。当连接两个并列句时, not only 所在的句子要采用部分倒装,but also 后面的句子用正常语序,可以巧记为:前倒后不倒
  【真题】_____ snacks and drinks, but they also brought cards for entertainment when they had a picnic in the forest.(2004上海)
  A. Not only they bought      B. Not only did they bring  
C. Not only brought they       D. Not only they did bring
  【解析】综上所述, not only后面的分句部分倒装。因此, 正确答案是B项。
  注意: 与主谓一致关系——作为连词,还可以连接并列的主语、谓语、宾语等,连接主语部分或者谓语部分时,要注意保持主谓一致。连接主语时,如同or.,谓语动词的数服从就近原则——最靠近谓语动词的主语部分决定谓语动词的单复数。
  【真题】Not only I but also Jane and Mary ____tired of having one examination after another. (1989全国)
  A. is  B. are  C. am    D. be
  【解析】 句中连接并列主语IJane and Mary,根据就近原则,因为Jane and Mary为复数概念,谓语动词用复数形式。因此,正确答案是B项。
  【真题】Playing football not only makes us grow up tall and strong but also give us a sense of fair play and team spirit. (1998全国,改错题)
  【解析】句中的主语是“playing football”“make”“give”是由连接的并列谓语动词,根据主谓一致原则,都用单数形式。因此,“give”应改为“gives”
not only…but also…意为不但……而且……如:
Lu Xun was not only a great writer, but also a great thinker.
注:使用not only…but also的几个要点:
Not only he but also I have been to the Great Wall.浪漫满屋的主题曲不但是他而且我也到过长城。
I not only heard it, but also saw it.我不但听见,而且亲眼看见了。
He not only said it, but also did it.他不但说了,而且也做了。
3连接除主语外的其他成分时,如果位于句首,not only后的主谓需要倒装,但but also后的主谓不能倒装。如:
Not only has he been to Canada, but also he knows some Canadians.
补充 新概念英语 一课一练吴京谢楠结婚 2
P171  Lesson 79 By Air 乘飞机
10.During the war, ____but also he lost his wife and his child.
A.not was his job in the lab taken away    B. not only was his job in the lab taken away爱死了昨天 李慧珍
C.not merely his job in the lab was taken away  D. not just was taken away his job in the lab
类似的题型:9. Not until I shouted at the top of my voice_____his head.