1. Read the passage and answer the following questions.
Is zoo life really bad for elephants? Are they really healthier when they walk around free? People talk about these questions for years.
Now researchers(研究者give scientific evidence(证据)that elephants who walk around free are healthier and live together than those in zoos. This finding answers a lot of questions about the health of elephants, and it might also bring about some changes in the worlds zoos.
The Ros Club and a group of researchers studied the lifestyle of more than 4,500 elephants. And they find the elephants in the zoo can get illness easily, so they say that being born into a zoo,fall again being moved between zoos, and the possible 马苏和孔令辉分手了吗loss of their mothers, all put the animals at special risk.
They made the study in a European zoo, and the elephants used in this study are from two
places, the Amboseli National Park in Kenya and the Myanma Timber Enterprise.
Until these animals’ problems can be solved, the researchers also call for an end to get elephants from their native countries, and they say that the zoo对不起还想你s should be strict in feeding elephants. They should make sure there is no harm when they l刘晓洁演的电视剧et people watch them.
80. What kind of elephants are healthier and live longer?
81. How many elephants did the Ros Club and a group of researchers stud让寂寞别走y?
82. Where did the researchers make the study?
83. What should they do when they let people watch the elephants?
84. What can you get from the passage?
80.The elephants who walk around free.
81. Mo69乐章re than 4,500 elephants.
82.In a European zoo.
83.They should make sure there is no harm.
2.Read the passage and answer the question(根据短文内容回答下列问题)(5 分)
Summer holiday began and Richard left California and went  traveling in Africa(非洲). He lost his wallet in a hotel and he had a little money left. He had to go to a city where one of his friends worked. He was going to borrow some money so that he could fly back to his country. 
He got on a bus and the conductor held out to him a yellow ticket. “You had better buy a yellow ticket," said the conductor. “It’s ten dollars. I have two other kinds. The red one is five dollars and the green one is three dollars."
It took them two days to get to the city. The passengers had to stay for a night when they were halfway(半路). Richard had to pay five dollars for the hotel and food. He thought for a while and then said, “Green, please."
The bus started. Now it was getting dark(黑暗的) and the bus began to go up a hill. It was very steep (陡峭的) and soon the bus stopped as usual.
    “Yellow ticket passengers," the driver shouted, “Stay in the bus, please. Red ticket pas
sengers, get out and walk. Green ticket passengers, get out, close the door and push the bus!"
76. Did Richard come from America?
77. How much did Richard have after he lost his wallet?
78. Richard went to the city to live with his friend, didn’t he?
79. How was Richard going back to his country?
80. What did Richard have to do when the bus went up the hill?
76.Yes, he did.
77.He had 8 dollars .    (8 dollars) / A little money.
78.No, he didn’t.
79.He was going back by plane.  (By plane.)
80.He had to get off the bus and push it.
3. Answer the questions
One day, as two little boys were walking along the road, they overlook a woman carrying a large basket of apples.
The boys thought the woman looked very pale and tired; so they said,“Are you going to town? If you are, we will carry your basket.”
“Thank you,”replied the woman,“you are very kind: you see I am weak and ill.”Then she told them that she was a widow(寡妇),and had a lame(瘸腿的)son to support.
She lived in a cottage three miles away, and was now going to market to sell the apples which grew on the only tree in her little garden. She wanted the money to pay her rent.
“We are going to the same way you are,”said the boys.“Let us have the basket.”and they took hold of it, one on each side, and trudged along with merry hearts.
The poor widow looked glad, and said that she hoped their mother would not be angry with them“.
“Oh, no,”they replied,“Our mother has taught us to be kind to everybody, and to be useful in any way that we can.”