在线学英语:读故事学英语,20天背完5000单词 C-1
Cabbage n.洋白菜,卷心菜
Cabin n.客舱,机舱;小(木)屋
Cabinet n.橱柜;内阁
Cabal n.电报;电缆;缆,索,钢丝绳v.拍电报
Cafeteria n.自助食堂
Calculate v.计算,推算;计划,打算
Calendar n.日历,月历
Call for 要求,请求,需要
Call forth 唤起,引起;振作起,引起
Call off 放弃,取消
Call on/upon 访问,拜访;号召,呼吁
Call up 召集,动员;打电话;使人想起
Camel n.骆驼
Campaign n.战役;运动
Campus n.(大学)校园
Canada n.加拿大
Canadian a.加拿大的n.加拿大人
Canal n.运河;(沟)渠
Cancel v.取消,把…作废;删去,划掉
Cancer n.癌
Candidate n.候选人,候补人;报考者
Candy n.糖果
Cannon n.大炮,火炮
Canoe n.独木舟,小游艇
Canteen n.食堂
Words: 20 Phrases: 5 Total: 25
There were three candidates for the presidential election campaign and finally Mr. Knox won. Right away, he called his wife up to inform her. Then he bought lots of candies for the children to celebrate the victory. At night, they went to a cafeteria to taste favorite cabbage. The next day, Mr. Knox put the calendar on the shelf. There were many problems that called for solutions. He intended to build more libraries on the campuses. The ministers were called up to discuss this. The proposal called forth a good deal of hostile criticism in the cabinet. The project needed a number of cables. They calculated the cost and at last the proposal was called off. Mr. Knox felt disappointed, and the worse was, his doctor told him that he had gotten cancer in his liver. So he cancelled all his appointments. He decided to call on a famous doctor who lived in
Canada. His packages were delivered across the desert by camels. .He crossed a lake in a canoe first then took a ship to sail on the canal. It was strange to see a cannon on the ship. Usually, Mr. Knox had his supper at the canteen. While staying in the passenger cabin, he would miss his family very much.
在线学英语:读故事学英语,20天背完5000单词 C-2
canvas(s) n.帆布;油画布,油画
capable a.有本领的,有能力的;(of)可以…的,能…的
capcity n.容量,容积;能量,能力;接受力capitalism n.资本主义
capsule n.胶囊;太空舱
captive n.俘虏a.被俘虏的,被监禁的capture v./n.俘虏v.夺得,攻占
carbon n.碳
carbon dioxide n.二氧化碳
ID card 身份证
credit card 信用卡
care for 照管,关心;喜欢,意欲
take care 小心,当心
take care of 照顾,照料;承担,处理,负责career n.生涯,经历;专业,职业
cargo n.船货,货物
carpenter n.木工,木匠
carriage n.(四轮马车);(火车)客车厢carrier n.搬运人,载体
carrot n.胡萝卜
carry off 夺去
carry on 继续下去,坚持下去;从事,经营carry out 贯彻,执行,实现
cartoon n.漫画,幽默画;动画片
carve v.(雕)刻
in any case 无论如何,总之
in case 假如,以防(万一),免得
in case of 假使,万一
in no case 决不
words: 16 phrases: 13 total: 29
When Mrs. Hayes was a child, her father, a capable carpenter cared for her very much. He made a very beautiful carriage for her.He drew canvases for her. So Mrs. Hayes promised to give her own children a good childhood. Mr. Hayes used to be a cargo carrier. His early career was successful until he was choosen to explore the outer space! The day they departed, Mr. Hayes said to his wife,”Take care of the children in case I don’t come back.” Mrs. Hayes answered,”You take care.” The capsule had a capcity of 10 persons but 15 peoples got in. It’s ridiculous to carry out the plan. All of their lives were carried off. The moment Mrs. Hayes heard of the news, she want to take a poison capsule to kill herself. But finally she didn’t become the captive of Death. One day, a thief stole her ID card and her credit card. The police had not captured the thief yet. From then on, whenever she went out, she brought a knife with her in case of need. In the day, she taught the children what’s capitalism and what’s