1.(1分)Premier Li said we should speed up the Internet and lower the_____.(  )
A.money B.price C.value D.service
2.(1分)﹣Hey,turn it off,please!We don't_____ music in the reading room. ﹣Oh,I'm sorry,sir.I won't do it again.(  )
A.allow B.hear C.enjoy D.like
3.(1分)﹣What do you think of the TV show Running Men?
﹣Well,I can't stand it,but my son thinks it _____.(  )
A.boring B.frustra ng C.interes ng D.meaningless
4.(1分)Some students can do very well in English exams,but can ____ understand what a na ve speaker says.(  )
A.exactly B.always C.easily D.hardly
5.(1分)When Liu Xiang announced that he would______ running forever,he burst into tears.(  )
A.give away B.give up C.give out D.give in
6.(1分)His opinions are similar _____ yours but different_____ Julia's.(  ) A.to; from B.from; to C.as; with D.with; as
7.(1分)Air pollu on is becoming more and more serious,_____ ac ons must be taken to stop it.(  )
A.so B.but C.or D.un l
8.(1分)You______ go through the security check(安检)before ge ng on the train..(  )
A.can B.might C.may D.must
9.(1分)﹣Have you watched the movie the Le  Ear?
﹣Yes,I _____ it last night with my sister.(  )
A.have watched B.watched C.will watch D.was watching
10.(1分)﹣I don't know _______ this type of smart phone.
﹣Why not try the website www.meituan.com?(
A.where can I find B.what I can find
C.where I can find D.how can I find
11.(15分)If you have seen the short play"I've got much money (不差钱)",you
must have been impressed by the way Xiao Shenyang dressed (31)    .The
dress he wore is called the kilt(苏格兰方格妮短裙).There is a famous (32)      in Scotland.It says,"A man in a kilt is a man and a half."This saying shows how (33)      the kilt is for Sco sh people.The kilt is a special dress.Most Sco sh men (34)      it.Why do Sco sh men wear (35)      and what's the history of this special dress?
It's said that in the 16th century,the Sco sh highlands were (36)    ,so the
roads were always full of mud(泥).The mud made it very difficult for soldiers to(37)      around.Slowly people found that the soldiers in kilts could move more (38)
than those in trousers because kilts were much more flexible(灵活的).What's more,soldiers could use the kilt on cold nights(39)      a blanket.
In the modern  mes,the kilt (40)      Sco sh pride.People wear kilts for
(41)      events,weddings and tradi onal spor ng events,for example.But
that's not all.The colors of a kilt also show a person's (42)      history.Each
Sco sh family has a different pa ern.So a Scotsman is wearing not only the na onal
dress of his country,(43)      the pride of his family.
Today,fashion designers are trying to make the kilt (44)      more modern and
fashionable to catch more eyes.Besides cloth,the designers are trying some (45)
materials such as paper and leather(皮革).
31.A.himself B.him C.his D.he
32.A.word B.saying C.sentence D.conversa on 33.A.serious B.important C.comfortable D.interes ng 34.A.sell B.dress C.wear D.make 35.A.jackets B.shirts C.trousers D.kilts
36.A.dry B.wet C.wide D.narrow
37.A.lie B.rest C.move D.sleep 38.A.slow B.slowly C.quick D.quickly 39.A.of B.as C.with D.for 40.A.stands for B.shows off C.takes away D.puts up 41.A.small B.unimportant C.special D.difficult 42.A.country B.work C.educa on D.family 43.A.but B.and C.or D.yet 44.A.feel B.smell C.look D.sound 45.A.other B.another C.others D.else
12.(10分)Smoking can cause cancer,heart problems and other diseases.Although almost everybody knows smoking is bad for health,people s ll smoke.Fortunately,ac ons are now being taken to stop smoking.
Beijing says no to smoke
A new an ﹣smoking regula on(条例) will soon take effect on June 1in Beijing.It is regarded as"China's toughest(最严格的)
(最严格的)  ever"tobacco control regula on. According to the regula on,smoking is not allowed in all indoor public places,including public transporta on.Those who break the rules will be fined up to
200yuan.Teachers cannot smoke in front of students in primary and middle schools.Schools are also required to help students quit smoking and educate them
about the harm of smoking.
Beijing has set up an an ﹣smoking hotline (12320)and a WeChat account (Smoke ﹣free Beijing),to which people can send photos to report smokers.
The public is also invited to vote(投票) on stop﹣smoking gestures on WeChat.So far,an image of a girl covering her nose has become the most popular pick.
Xinhua News
Youth turn their back on smoking
…Only 9% of teens in the US smoke cigare es,according to a recent survey.That's
far down from 23% in 2000.
The Truth is working to end teenage smoking.They use social media to remind teenagers of the dangers of smoking."If we all join hands,smokers and non﹣smokers,we can end smoking once and for all",the Truth campaign(运动) website states.Since Oct 27,21,615children and teens in the US have joined the campaign
and promised not to smoke.为什么白敬亭不拍吻戏
The group hopes that they can give teens and young people the knowledge to"be the
genera on that ends smoking."
46.To support his idea,the writer uses two    .
A.adver sements  B.news reports  C.posters  D.no ces 47.According to the Beijing an ﹣smoking regula on,    . A.passengers on buses or trains can smoke.
B.school teachers can smoke in class.
C.students should be educated about the harm of smoking
D.those smoking in indoor public places will be fined up to¥100 48.According to the first passage,people can      to report smokers.蓝精灵电影歌曲
A.call the police    B.post a le er      C.call at 12320    D.start a vote 49."The Truth"might be the name of a(n)    .
A.organiza on    B.person        C.school    D.type of cigare es 50.The writer is trying to    .
A.show that people are taking ac ons to stop smoking
B.explain to us some knowledge of cigare e﹣making
C.remind us of the great harm of smoking
D.call on people to support smoking.
13.(10分)Sing the Language You're Learning
How can you remember a song from your Childhood to this day Why do you teachers use songs to teach you English?It seems there is a scien fic Mason for this.
Researchers are now studying the rela onship between music and remembering a foreign language.They find that remembering words in a song is the best way to remember even the most difficult language.
"Singing could be a new way of learning a foreign language.The brain likes to
remember things when they are used in a catchy and meaningful way",said Dr.Karen Ludke.Th
e findings may help those who have difficul es learning foreign languages.On his blog,Dr.Ludke write,"A listen﹣and﹣﹣repeat singing method can support foreign language learning,and opens the door for future research in this area."
Many language teachers know the value of using and singing.Hua Zhuying,a teacher at a Chinese language school in Washington,D.C.depends heavily on songs in teaching Chinese.She says."I use music all the  me to teach children Chinese.For li le kids usually we use English songs but teach them the Chinese lyrics.So it's easy for them to start because they know the music.Not only does it work,but it is fun for the kids."
"Some mes,I think if I were taught English that way,maybe I would speak much be er English than now."Hua Zhuying adds.
Our brain likes music,especially for remembering.So,if you're s ll struggling in learning a language,why not try singing it out?
51.According to the passage,the best way to remember a foreign language is to    .
A.read and write more    B.listen to the teacher carefully
C.copy the words many  mes  D.remember words in a song
52.The underlined word"catchy"probably means"    ".
.枯燥乏味的  D.震耳欲聋的
.悦耳易记的    C.枯燥乏味的
53.Dr.Ludke believe that foreign language learning can be supported by    . A.using the listen﹣and﹣repeat singing method
B.listening to all kinds of famous music
C.wri ng songs with the language
D.reading the lyrics again and again
54.From the passage,we know that Hua Zhuying    .
吴尊个人资料介绍A.is interested in wri ng English songs
B.teaches children English by using music
C.teaches Chinese in an American school