Unit 1 Wise men in history
默默数A Listen to a radio programme about sports in the ancient Olympics. Match the descriptions with the pictures by writing the numbers 1- 4 in the boxes.
Good evening, listeners. Welcome to“History for a minute”! This evening, I’m going to play a game with you. It’s called “What’s the sport?”You’ll listen to me talk about sports in the ancient Olympics and decide which sport I’m talking about. Are you ready? Let’s begin!
Number one:
You do this sport on your own. All you have to do is run as fast as you can. Do you know what it is?
Number two:
You need two men to play this sport. The men try to throw each other to the ground. What sport is it?
Number three:
Both men and horses take part in this sport. The men try to get their horses to run as quickly as they can. Do you know what it is?
Number four:
This sport needs two men too. The men have to hit each other. What sport is it?
That’s the end of the game. I hope you had a good time. For more fun, join me next week at the same time. Goodbye!
B Listen to the recording again and then complete the notes below. Write one word in each blank.
Good evening, listeners. Welcome to“History for a minute”! This evening, I’m going to play a game with you. It’s called “What’s the sport?”You’ll listen to me talk about sports in the ancient Olympics and decide which sport I’m talking about. Are you ready? Let’s begin!
Number one:
You do this sport on your own. All you have to do is run as fast as you can. Do you know what it is?
Number two:
You need two men to play this sport. The men try to throw each other to the ground. What sport is it?
Number three:
Both men and horses take part in this sport. The men try to get their horses to run as quickly as they can. Do you know what it is?
Number four:
This sport needs two men too. The men have to hit each other. What sport is it?
That’s the end of the game. I hope you had a good time. For more fun, join me next week at the same time. Goodbye!
Unit 2 Great minds
Listen to a radio programme about three great minds and complete the information cards below. Write one word or figure in each blank.
Welcome to Great Minds. Today we’re going to talk about three famous people in history.
Albert Einstein was born in Germany in 1879, and died in the US in 1955. He is considered to be the greatest scientist of the 20th century. His theories explain the way the universe works. In many photographs, you can see his smiling face.
William Shakespeare lived about 400 years ago. During his life, he wrote around 39 plays as well as hundreds of poems. He’s the most popular writer in the English language. One of his most famous plays is called Romeo and Juliet.
Confucius lived over 2, 000 years ago in China. He was a teacher and philosopher. He spent much of his life travelling and meeting many different people. He is remembered for his wise sayings. They were written down by his students.
Unit 3 Family life
Listen to two short conversations between family members. Then circle the correct answers to the questions you hear.
Number 1
Girl:What’s that, Dad?
Dad: It’s our family tree. Look! There are your mother’s parents—Wendy and Kevin. And here are my parents—Anthony and Karen.
Girl: You and Mum are below them.
Dad: That’s right. Here’s Mum and you r aunt Susan. And this is my brother Peter and me.
Girl: And I’m at the bottom of the tree!
Dad: Yes, there you are. Your brother is next to you.
Girl: I see.
Question:What’s the name of the girl’s uncle?
Number 2
Boy: Mum, when are you and Dad going to see our school play?
Mum:Let me see the times. Hmm. I can’t make it on Thursday, because I’m going to work late. Boy: And don’t forget that we’re going to take a trip to Beijing on Sunday.
Mum: I know. Sunday is no good either. Dad plays tennis on Friday, so we can only see the play on the next day. By the way, let’s go to the earlier show. Then we can come home early. Boy: OK. I’ll get the tickets for you and Dad tomorrow.
Question: Which show will the boy’s parents see?
Unit 4 Problems and advice
A Listen to Ben calling a radio programme to ask for advice. Then decide whether the following sentences are T(True) or F(False).
Alice: Good afternoon, and welcome to Aunt Alice’s Answers. Today we have Ben calling from Sunny City. Hello, Ben. How can I help you?
Ben:Well, I’m feeling ashamed. Yesterday afternoon, I was travelling home on the underground after
school. Three older boy students from a local high school got on the same train. They didn’t look very nice to me.
Alice: What happened then?
Ben: There was a young boy on the train. He was travelling alone. The students sat beside the boy and started to make jokes about him. The boy got up and moved to another seat, but they just followed him. The young boy looked really afraid.
Alice: So what did you do?
Ben: At that moment, the train reached my station, so I got off and walked home. Now I feel really ashamed of myself because I didn’t help the boy. What should I do when something like this happens next time?
Alice: I think you should tell the adults on the train what’s happening and ask them for help. You should make sure you’re safe before you try to help others.
B Listen to the recording again and complete the notes below. Write one word in each blank. Alice: Good afternoon, and welcome to Aunt Alice’s Answers. Today we have Ben calling from Sunny City.
Hello, Ben. How can I help you?
Ben:Well, I’m feeling ashamed. Yesterday afternoon, I was travelling home on the underground after school. Three older boy students from a local high school got on the same train. They didn’t look very nice to me.
Alice: What happened then?
Ben: There was a young boy on the train. He was travelling alone. The students sat beside the boy and started to make jokes about him. The boy got up and moved to another seat, but they just followed him. The young boy looked really afraid.
Alice: So what did you do?
Ben: At that moment, the train reached my station, so I got off and walked home. Now I feel really ashamed of myself because I didn’t help the boy. What should I do when something like this happens next time?
Alice:I think you should tell the adults on the train what’s happening and ask them for help. You should make sure you’re safe before you try to help others.
Unit 5 Action!
A Denise and Angela are looking at the floor plan of the TV station (see below). Listen to their conversation.Then number the places from 1 to 4 according to the order they are first mentioned. Denise: We’re early. We should go to the waiting room first. Now where is it?
Angela:Oh, I can see it on the floor plan. We need to go down this hall, turn right at the men’s toilet, and then left. It’s the second room on the left.
Denise: Then for the filming, we need to go to the Travel Quiz studio. Which studio is that? Angela:It’s right over there. When we leave the waiting room, we should turn left, and then right.
The Travel Quiz studio is next to Room 15, on the right.
Denise:But we’re here so early! Where can we get a drink?
Angela: Well, there’s a studio restaurant.网络歌手歌曲
Denise: Wh ere’s the restaurant?
Angela: It’s just before the waiting room. It should be straight ahead of us.
Denise: Oh, a friend of mine works here. Why don’t we go and see her before the programme starts?
Angela: What’s your friend’s name?
Denise: Her name is Janet Smith.
Angela:Look at all these rooms! We’ll never find her office!
Denise: Although there are many rooms here, it’s easy to find her office. It’s across from Studio 3 and next to Room 9.
Angela:OK, let’s go.
B Listen to the recording again. Then write the name of each place in the blanks.
Denise: We’re early. We should go to the waiting room first. Now where is it?
Angela:Oh, I can see it on the floor plan. We need to go down this hall, turn right at the men’s toilet,
and then left. It’s the second room on the left.
Denise: Then for the filming, we need to go to the Travel Quiz studio. Which studio is that? Angela:It’s right over there. When we leave the waiting room, we should turn left, and then right.
The Travel Quiz studio is next to Room 15, on the right.
Denise:But we’re here so early! Where can we get a drink?
Angela: Well, there’s a studio restaurant.
Denise:Where’s the restaurant?
Angela: It’s just before the waiting room. It should be straight ahead of us.
Denise: Oh, a friend of mine wor ks here. Why don’t we go and see her before the programme starts?
Angela: What’s your friend’s name?
Denise: Her name is Janet Smith.
Angela:Look at all these rooms! We’ll never find her office!
Denise: Although there are many rooms here, it’s easy to find her office. It’s across from Studio 3 and next to Room 9.
Angela:OK, let’s go.
Unit 6 Healthy diet
Mary is calling the Corner Cafe to order lunch. Listen to her conversation with the waiter and help the waiter complete the order form.
Waiter: Hello. Corner Cafe. May I help you?
Mary:I’d like to order some food and drinks.
Waiter: Yes, go ahead.
Mary: I’ll have a hamburger, a potato salad and an orange.
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Waiter: A hamburger, a potato salad and an orange.
Mary: Yes…I’m just looking at your menu—Do you have egg salad sandwiches?
Waiter: I’m sorry, Madam. We only have egg sandwiches. They’re better than egg salad sandwiches.
Mary:OK. I’ll have one egg sandwich then.
Waiter: One egg sandwich. Anything to drink, Madam?
Mary: Yes, one coffee and one cola, please.
Waiter: Anything else?
Mary: No, I think that’s all, thanks.日本排行榜
Waiter:It’s eleven thirty now. When would you like it, Madam?
Mary: By twelve thirty, please.
Waiter: Twelve thirty. And may I have the name and address, please?
Mary: Yes, I’m Mar y Tucker.
Waiter: Ms Tucker. Is that T-U-C-K-E-R?
Mary: Yes, that’s right. Our company’s name is Brittas—that’s B-R-I-T-T-A-S- and we’re in Room 1512, Devon Building—that’s D-E-V-O-N.余佳运
Waiter: Room 1512, Devon Building. Right, we’ll have your order there by twelve thirty. Thank you very much, Madam.
Mary: Thanks, we’ll look forward to it. Goodbye!
Waiter: Goodbye.
Unit 7 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
A Listen to the story and put the pictures in the correct order. Write the numbers 1-6 in the boxes.
Jim Smiley always kept a small box with him. One day, a stranger asked,“What have you got in the b
Jim answered,“I’ve got a frog that can jump farther than any other frog in Calaveras County. His name is Daniel.”