Elaine。the buyer。is a distributor of fitness supplies from England。She wants to purchase Exec-U-ciser from the Chinese company EDU。which is managed by Angela。
Elaine: Nice to meet you.
Angela: Nice to meet you too.
Elaine: Let's start by discussing prices.
Sophia: 我们直接谈价格吧。
壁虎漫步歌词Angela: 好的,有什么问题可以问我。
: 请问有什么需要解答的问题吗?
Elaine: Your products are of high quality。but I am concerned about the prices you are asking for.
Sophia: 我们认为贵方提出的价格有些高。
Angela: 你们认为我们的价格太高了吗?
: 你认为我们应该提出更高的价格吗?(笑)王丽萍个人资料
Elaine: 不是这个意思。我知道你们的研究成本很高,但我希望能得到25%的折扣。
Sophia: 我们不太能接受这么高的折扣,因为这样我们就无法盈利了。
又见枫叶红: 这个折扣有点高,Smith先生。如果我们接受这个价格,我们就无法盈利了。
Elaine suggested that if they promise to give future business by placing large orders。it would help ce the cost of making the Exec-U-ciser。Sophia asked if they could lower the product price in case of future bulk orders。Angela agreed but asked for a written guarantee of future n rather than just verbal promises。was skeptical about their ability to
place such large orders and insisted on a written guarantee.
Elaine proposed placing orders for twelve months instead of six with a guarantee。which would be a stronger assurance for the supplier。Sophia asked if this would be a reliable guarantee for the supplier。Angela agreed to further discuss the price if they could provide a written guarantee。agreed that a written guarantee would be necessary to move forward with the deal.
After Angela presented Elaine's plan。the boss was satisfied with the buyer's proposal。However。he requested that Angela maintain a firm stance on discounts and strive for the best possible deal。
Angela explained that while they were willing to offer a discount。a 25% n would significantly impact their profit margin。She suggested a compromise of 10%。agreed。acknowledging that a 25% discount was too steep。Elaine expressed concern that a 10% discount was beyond her negotiating limit and asked if there were any other ideas。
Sophia pointed out that a 10% discount was still a significant difference from the requested 25% and asked if there was any room for further n。Angela suggested that they reconvene the next day to continue ns。
The following day。Sophia informed Robert that they could not accept the proposed numbers but were willing to explore other ns.
Elaine: 我们经过领导商议后,无法接受贵方的要价。但是我们仍然愿意进一步协商。
Angela: 希望如此,Dan。我的指示是在这笔交易上进行强硬谈判,但我会尽力达成一些折中方案。前六个月15%的折扣,后六个月12%的折扣,保证3000个订单量怎么样?
: 我们也希望能够达成一致。前六个月15%的折扣,后六个月12%的折扣,前提是订单量必须保证在3000件以上。
Sophia: 这是一个很大的订单,利润空间很小。
Elaine: 对,订单量很大,但是利润却很低。
Angela: 这已经是我们能做到的最好的方案了。我们需要今天就敲定价格。如果我回去空手而归,可能不久就会回来向你们求职。(微笑)
: 这是我们能做到的最大让步,我们今天需要敲定价格。如果双方达不成协议,我明天只能去贵公司应聘。(微笑)
Sophia: (微笑) 好的。前六个月17%,后六个月14%怎么样?
Elaine: 好的,前六个月17%,后六个月14%。你们觉得如何?
Angela: 很好。让我们解决剩下的细节问题。你们希望什么时候交货?
: 我们希望你们能在31号之前完成第一笔订单。
Angela: Let me review the details again。The first shipment will consist of 1500 units and must be delivered within 27 days。by the 31st.
: So。the first shipment will be 1500 units and delivered by the 31st。
Sophia: Agreed。we cannot handle larger shipments.
Elaine: Unfortunately。we don't have the capacity for larger shipments.
Angela: I understand。However。I would like to ce the first shipment to 1000 units and increase the second shipment to 2000 units。The deadline is rapidly approaching。and I cannot guarantee 1500 units on time.
: Understood。We will ship 1000 units for the first shipment and 2000 units for the second。We cannot guarantee delivery by the 31st.
恒星 汪峰Sophia: I agree with the revised shipment plan。If there are no other issues。I think we can proceed with signing the contract.
Elaine: Great。Let's sign the contract。(Both parties hand over the contract and pens to their respective secretaries)