Unit 1  Name
Help students learn sth. about English names and choose their own favorite English name
  Help students learn how to improve memory
  Help students learn to describe persons
  Help students learn sth. about taboo topics of American culture
Outline: ( a brief description of your teaching plan)
Part 1. Name: make students know how do western people choose name for their children and make students choose their favorite English name based on Appendix A and B
Part 2. How to remember people’s names? : test students memorial ability by doing exercise I never forget a face and make them discuss advice provided in Reading exercise of page 6
Part 3. How to describe a person: make students familiar with two sentence patterns and learn to use them to describe the 6 persons in pictures; make students do a guessing person game to practice潘玮柏最新发型 their descriptive skill
Part 4. Taboo topics in American culture: through doing exercise 3 and 4 on page 8 and reading Appendix E students can get to know about some private and sensitive topics of western people
Help students learn sth. about English names and choose their own favorite English name
Help students learn to describe persons
Part I: ( 1st class)
Words and expressions:
1. fashionable adj. : following a style that is currently popular
2. psychologist n. expert in psychology
3. embarrassing adj. making sb. feel embarrassed
4. original adj. newly created or formed
Activity 1.  Listen to the monologue of Susan. (2 mins)
Activity 2.  Talk about different names that people call you. (5 mins)
        Familiy members(parents, siblings, cousins, aunt, uncle, grandparents):
Activity 3. How did your parents choose your name? (10 mins)
      Step 1. Let students read Name Game.
      Step 2. Explain key information of the article.
      Step 3. Group discussion: Divide students into several groups and make them discuss the reasons why their parents chose this name for them.
      because it sounds good            because it’s fashionable
because it’s unusual or original      because it’s the name of a place
      because it’s the name of a famous person
because it’s the name of another member of the family
Activity 4: English name consists of 3 parts: (1 min)
First name + middle name + family name (surname)
George W. Bush
Activity 5. Let students discuss the meaning of all kinds of English names and choose the
ir favorite English name with the additional material.(5 mins)
Part 2 (2nd class) How to describe a person
Words and expressions:
1. visualize v.  Form a mental picture of sb./sth.
2. association n. mental connection between ideas
Activity 1. Let students look at the pictures of 6 persons, study these names and faces for 30 seconds, then turn to p.124 and see which they can remember. (5 mins)
Activity 2.
Step 1. Read this advice for improving your memory. Find an appropriate heading for each paragraph. (5 mins)
Step 2. Let students discuss the following questions容祖儿 爱情复兴 and the additional material. (12 mins)
      1) Which technique have you used for remembering names?
2) Which technique could help you to remember new English words and expressions?
3) What other ways can you think of to help remember and learn new English words and expressions?
Part 3. How to describe a person
Words and expressions:
谷僳1. Stressed out: under so much stress and pressure that you barely make it
2. An au pair is a girl without any dependents who comes to the UK to learn English and to live as part of an English speaking family.
Activity 1. Explanation: Sentence pattern (2 mins)
a) He/ She looks  + adj.
心升明月 李健b) He/ She looks like + n.
Activity 2. Let students divide words and expressions in the frame into two groups and choose proper words and expressions to describe 6 persons in pictures.(9 mins)
He/ She looks  + adj./ num.
Friendly ,  intelligent,  shy,  very young, 
middle-aged, stressed out,  intelligent,  about sixty, 
fit,  a bit tired,  rich
      He/ She looks like + n.
a banker,  a typical mum, a doctor, Greek, a waiter,
a Swedish au pair, a student, a retired police officer
Activity 3. Guessing game: Let one student describe a student in the class and make oth
ers guess who the student is. (9 mins)