Once upon a time, in a lush and magical forest, there lived a wise old tortoise. 从前,在一个郁郁葱葱、神奇的森林里住着一只智慧老态龟。
The tortoise had a beautiful, shiny shell that he treasured dearly. 龟壳独有闪亮的外表,它十分珍惜。
One day, while the tortoise was taking a nap under a willow tree, a mischievous little squirrel decided to play a prank on him. 一天,当乌龟在柳树下小睡时,一只调皮的小松鼠决定捉弄他。
The squirrel quietly snuck up to the sleeping tortoise and swiftly stole his shell, giggling mischievously as he ran into the forest. 松鼠悄悄地接近正在睡觉的乌龟,迅速地偷走了他的壳,咯咯地笑着跑进了森林。
When the tortoise woke up and realized his shell was missing, he was filled with panic and despair. 当乌龟醒来发现他的壳不见了时,他充满了恐慌和绝望。
Feeling vulnerable and exposed without his protective shell, the tortoise knew he had to find a way to retrieve it. 没有了保护他的铠甲,乌龟感到脆弱和暴露,他知道他必须回自己的壳。