at the cost of用法
    在现代社会中,人们经常会听到“以……为代价”的说法,其中最常见的就是“at the cost of”,意为“以……为代价”。这个短语在英语中的使用非常广泛,可以用来表达各种不同的情况和场合。在本篇文章中,我们将探讨“at the cost of”的用法,以及它在不同语境中的具体含义和表达方式。
    一、“at the cost of”的基本含义
    “at the cost of”这个短语的基本含义是“以……为代价”,表示为了得到某种东西或者实现某种目标,必须付出某种代价。这个代价可以是物质的,也可以是精神上的,甚至可以是生命上的。例如:
远东韵律    - The company expanded rapidly, but at the cost of quality control. 公司迅速扩张,但代价是无法控制质量。
    - She achieved her dream of becoming a famous singer, but at the cost of her personal life. 她实现了成为著名歌手的梦想,但代价是个人生活的牺牲
    - The government built the new airport, but at the cost of displacing thousands of local residents. 政府修建了新机场,但代价是数千名当地居民的迁移。
    二、“at the cost of”的语境和用法
    1. 表示牺牲或付出代价
    - The victory was won at the cost of many lives. 胜利是以许多人的生命为代价获得的。
    - She achieved her success at the cost of many sleepless nights. 她的成功是以许多个不眠之夜为代价获得的。
    - The company's profits were achieved at the cost of environmental damage. 公司的利润是以环境破坏为代价获得的。
    2. 表示牺牲或付出代价的结果
    - He achieved his goal, but at the cost of losing his friends. 他实现了自己的目标,但代价是失去了他的朋友。
    - The company's profits increased, but at the cost of damaging the environment. 公司的利润增加了,但代价是破坏了环境。
    - The government's policies helped the economy grow, but at the cost of increasing social inequality. 政府的政策促进了经济增长,但代价是增加了社会不平等。
分手那天 徐靖博    3. 表示取得某种成就的代价
jane monheit    - He became a successful businessman, but at the cost of neglecting his family. 他成为了一名成功的商人,但代价是忽略了他的家庭。
    - She became a famous actress, but at the cost of sacrificing her privacy. 她成为了一名著名的演员,但代价是牺牲了她的隐私。
    - The team won the championship, but at the cost of exhausting themselves. 队伍赢得了冠军,但代价是精疲力尽。
    三、“at the cost of”的使用技巧
    1. 注意动词的时态和语态
徐帆主演的电视剧    在使用“at the cost of”时,需要注意动词的时态和语态。通常情况下,这个短语的主语是代价,而谓语动词则是付出或牺牲。例如:
    - The victory was won at the cost of many lives. 胜利是以许多人的生命为代价获得的。
    - The company's profits were achieved at the cost of environmental damage. 公司的利润是以环境破坏为代价获得的。
    2. 注意代价的类型和程度
    在使用“at the cost of”时,需要注意代价的类型和程度。不同的代价可能会产生不同的效果,因此需要根据具体情况进行选择。例如:
泰妍 bye    - The company expanded rapidly, but at the cost of quality control. 公司迅速扩张,但代价是无法控制质量。
    - She achieved her dream of becoming a famous singer, but at the cost of her personal life. 她实现了成为著名歌手的梦想,但代价是个人生活的牺牲。
    - The government built the new airport, but at the cost of displacing thousands of local residents. 政府修建了新机场,但代价是数千名当地居民的迁移。
    3. 注意语境和情感彩
    在使用“at the cost of”时,需要注意语境和情感彩。这个短语有时候会带有一定的负面情感彩,因此需要根据具体情况进行选择。例如:
    - He became a successful businessman, but at the cost of neglecting his family. 他成为了一名成功的商人,但代价是忽略了他的家庭。
    - She became a famous actress, but at the cost of sacrificing her privacy. 她成为了一名著名的演员,但代价是牺牲了她的隐私。
    - The team won the championship, but at the cost of exhausting themselves. 队伍赢得了冠军,但代价是精疲力尽。
    “at the cost of”是一个非常常用的短语,可以用来表达各种不同的情况和场合。在使用它时,需要注意动词的时态和语态、代价的类型和程度,以及语境和情感彩等方面。通过正确使用这个短语,我们可以更加准确地表达自己的意思,同时也能够更好地理解别人的表达。