江湖再见 胡彦斌>丹心歌What is happincss?Diffcrent peoplc havc dirferent idcas. lthink that happiness always around us.Some people are rich,theythink they are happy.Other people have many friends, so they feelhappy.Still others are happy because their lives are
就这样被你征服meaningful.Happiness attracts everyone.For children, happinessoften suggests eating something good or playing with toys.
llappiness is the colourful bubbles we are playing with in ourchildhood . At that time ,we feel very happy .lt seems that I amthe happiest girl in the world .
Happiness is laughter of playing on the beach. We play sohappily that we forget everything around us.
Happiness is mother's sweet kiss. Mother’s sweet kiss makesmc happy , because il is rull of decp love.
秋天的风 郑源Happiness is a feeling of content after helping mother withthe housework.I’ m tired , but I feel so happy.
Hlappincss is grectings among the fcllows. As soon as l hcarthe greetings.I’ m so pleased in my heart.