Unit 5 Good manners Welcome to the unit--Grammar知识点汇总
Welcome to the unit
1. You李代沫艾滋re old enough to learn about manners now, Hobo. 你现在够大了,可以学习礼仪了。
sb.+ be + adj. + enough to do sth. 某人足够……做某事
He is strong enough to carry the heavy box.   
There are enough seats for them all.   
There顺流逆流徐小凤’s enough food for us.
good manners有礼貌            bad manners 没有礼貌        table manners 餐桌礼仪
It is bad manners to talk with your mouth full.   
1. Hearing the news, I was _________excited _________say a word.
A. very; too        B. enough; too        C. so; that        D. too; to
2. -- The old man is _________ to cook a good meal for himself.
  -- But he cant live without his family.
A. so old            B. too old          C. old enough        D. very old
3. These days lots of people are working _________ to get _________ for their living.
A. hard enough; enough money          B. enough hard; money enough
C. enough hardly; money enough        D. hardly enough; enough money
2. What do you mean? 你是什么意思?
mean及物动词,意为“意思是它的名词形式是              ,意为“意思,意义”。
3. First, always share your things with others. 首先,总是和别人分享你的东西。
4. Second, dont cut in on others.    其次,不要打断别人谈话。
cut in (on sb.)意为“打断(某人的)谈话,插嘴”,相当于interrupt sb.。
cut in on me打断我的话=cut in on my words=cut in on what I say
Mary likes to cut in on others.   
Dont cut in while others are talking.   
cut away 切除      cut back 削减        cut down 砍倒
cut off 切断,使分离  cut up 切碎,使伤心
5. Always wait politely.    要一直礼貌地等着。
We should speak to the old politely.   
be polite to sb.意为“对某人有礼貌”。
My sister is very polite. We all like her.   
It is impolite to shout loudly.   
The students are polite to their teachers.   
6. You should learn about manners too. 你应该也要学习礼仪的相关知识。
7. Youre never too old to learn. 活到老,学到老。
too old to learn太老而不能学习
never too old to learn不太老而不能学习,永远都不会因为太老而不能学习,什么时候学习都不嫌老
8. leave the tap running    让水龙头一直流水
leave sth. doing意为“使/让…处于…状态”。leave后可接形容词、v.-ing形式作宾语补足语。
Leave the door open.         
Tears ran from her eyes.       
Water is running on the ground.   
Do not leave the machine r________.
9. queue for your turn 排队等候你的顺序
queue for ones turn 排队等候某人的顺序
queue up for 排队等候
Please queue up for a bus.   
Many people dont like to queue.
Please stand in a queue.
Its ones turn to do sth. 轮到某人做某事了。
10. pick flowers in the park在公园里摘花
pick sth./sb. out 把某物/某人挑选出来
He picked a rose.
11. Anything else?    还有别的吗?
anything else=any other things
小情歌 萧敬腾两个词都含有“其他,别的”之意,但用法有别:
Do you have anything else to say?       
What else do you need?       
What other colors do you like?   
12. We shouldnt write in the books, and we should put them back after reading. 我们不应该在书本上写字,并且我们应该在阅读过后把它们放回去。
1. Today weve invited Jenny to talk about manners in the UK. 今天我们邀请了珍妮来谈一谈英国的礼仪。
invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某事
invite sb. to sp. 邀请某人去某地
He sometimes invites me to see the film.   
He invited me to his birthday party.
2. What生活在地下 吉他谱s the proper way to greet people there? 正确的和那里的人打招呼的方法是什么?
the proper way to do sth.  做某事正确的方法
The proper way to greet people is to say “hello”.
It’s proper for sb. to do sth. 
It’s proper for us to behave politely in public.
3. British people say “hello” or “nice to meet you” and shake your hand when they meet you for the first time.    当英国人第一次见到你时,他们说“你好”或“见到你很高兴”,并且与你握手。
shake sb.s hand意为“与某人握手”,相当于shake hands with sb.。
You should shake Tonys hand. = You should shake hands with Tony.   
for the first time意为“首次;第一次”。表示有生以来或一段时间内第一次做某事,在句中一般单独作状语。
For the first time, I expressed my opinions firmly.       
I have been here for the first time.       
4. Do they greet people with a kiss? 他们用亲吻这方式打招呼吗?
greet为及物动词,意为“问候,打招呼”,greet sb. 相当于say hello to sb.
greet sb. with ... 以...方式跟人打招呼
He greeted his teacher by saying “Good morning”.   
Did you greet Toms parents?       
kiss 既可作动词,也可作名词,意为“亲吻”。 
kiss sb. ( v.) = give sb. a kiss ( n.)