春雨作文 二年级下册
Spring Rain
The spring rain is like a painter, quietly coloring the world. Droplets dance on the windowpane, singing the song of life. The flowers nod in appreciation, their petals opening to welcome the sweet kiss of rain.
The rain washes away the dust of winter, making everything fresh and new. The grass stretches its green arms, eager to grow. The trees sway gently, their branches reaching out to touch the sky.
Children run outside with joy, splashing in puddles. Their laughter fills the air, mixing with the sound of raindrops. The spring rain brings hope and happiness, a promise of a beautiful new season.
In the distance, the rainbow appears, a sign of good luck. The sun shines brightly, reflecting off the raindrops, creating a magical world. The spring rain is a gift from nature, a reminder of the beauty that surrounds us.
春雨像一位画家,静静地给世界上。雨滴在窗玻璃上跳舞,唱着生命的歌。花朵点头欣赏,花瓣绽开迎接雨滴的甜蜜之吻。kiss the rain mp3