{持续更新中}《骄傲与风趣指南》 ----前言部分:一亲芳泽翻译发布:idashan | 发布时间: Sunday, January 04, 2009
我要开始翻译David DeAngelo的《cocky&funny guide》了,全书190多页,我会持续更新的,希望大家支持。有什么不好的地方大家多多交流,在此谢谢大家。翻译完之后将会制作成PDF电子书。
简单的说,我归纳成这本指南是为了帮助其他男人在女人这方面能做得更好。我想,每个男人最终的目的为了到那个特别的“她”。很可惜,在你遇到“她”之前,你会遇到好几个,甚至几百个女人。假如你没有适当地处理与女人的关系的知识与经验的话,结果当你最终遇到“她”的时候,你就会搞砸。 我经历过。。。真的。
David DeAngelo (www.doubleyourdating)
Tyler Durden (alsocialdynamics)
Swinggcat (alworldseduction)
Mystery (sterymethod)
Moderated alt.seduction.fast (mASF) (www.fastseduction)
还有为这个事业作出巨大贡献的Tyler Durden, Style, Mystery, Papa, jlaix和其他一些订阅源
Cliff’s Newsletter (www.be-relentless)
The Don Juan Newsletter (www.sosuave),
Thundercat’s Seduction Lair (www.thundercatseductionlair)
The Player’s Guide from AskMen (www.playersguide)
Tony’s Lay Guide (www.layguide)
Ross Jeffries’ Speed Seduction (www.seduction)
    1. 态度    这是最重要的部分,你必须在跟女人开始之前就搞定这个部分。除非你已经有正确的心态,不然你再努力地去吸引一个女人,你注定是要失败的。
    2. 寻/打开    这个意思是你要先准备自己,去一个有女人的地方,打开/搭讪她。
    3. 吸引    在这个阶段,你用技巧去建立吸引和性张力。
    4. 考验    这个阶段包括展示你是在一个“你已经被预选,是你在考验她”的框架里。可以简单到“你看起来很酷”。
    5. 舒适感    这个阶段包括通过用感情控制对话,冷读,感情植入等手法建立信任感和舒适感。
    6. 扩展    在这个极短,你将用技巧建立的吸引和性张力提升到一个更高的层次。
    7. 结束(close) 这个阶段包括“封底”(要到电话,约会,接吻,或者SC)。
阶段切换的意思是从一个阶段切换到任何下一个阶段。  你不一定要把每个阶段过一遍才能泡到妞,你也不一定要按照这样的顺序,但最好是按照这样做。很明显,你需要去到并且搭讪一个女人,一些吸引的化学反应是必须的。在某种程度上,你一定要有一个结果(close)(除非你只是想练练某一部分)。其他的阶段没有那么重要,但是还是占有一点分量的。
To (明天接着翻译第一章)
Full Guide on being C+F
Cocky and Funny Teh full guide for u guys.
This guide is the result of 2 years of my research into the best methods to have
more power and choice with the opposite sex.
In a nutshell, I put this guide together to help other men do better with
women. I think that ultimately what every man wants is to meet that ONE
special woman. Unfortunately, you may have to meet dozens, if not hundreds,
of women before you’ll find “the one”. And if you don’t have the knowledge
and experience to deal properly with women in the first place, odds are you’ll
blow it when you finally meet that special woman. I’ve seen it…firsthand.
When the woman of your dreams DOES come around, you’re going to have to
say and do everything right. Truly spectacular women are few and far between,
so you’d better be ready. This guide is designed to give you a comprehensive,
user-friendly system in order to be ready when that time comes.
About half the contents of this guide are a compilation of my thinking and
experience. The other half are compiled from the excellent material and ideas
David DeAngelo (www.doubleyourdating)
close to you 下载Tyler Durden (alsocialdynamics)
Swinggcat (alworldseduction)
Mystery (sterymethod)
Moderated alt.seduction.fast (mASF) (www.fastseduction), and the great
contributions to that board by Tyler Durden, Style, Mystery, Papa, jlaix, and
many others
Cliff’s Newsletter (www.be-relentless)
The Don Juan Newsletter (www.sosuave),
Thundercat’s Seduction Lair (www.thundercatseductionlair)
The Player’s Guide from AskMen (www.playersguide)
Tony’s Lay Guide (www.layguide)
Ross Jeffries’ Speed Seduction (www.seduction)
You can investigate these websites and their material on your own, however
with this guide I’ve done all the work for you, and “trimmed the fat” in their
systems to give you the bare bones of what works. Just as I’ve taken from
others, feel free to take what you find herein and adapt it to your own style
and needs.