The song "Remember Me" from the movie "Coco" has deeply touched countless people all around the world. 这首来自电影《寻梦环游记》的《战歌coco》歌曲深深触动着全世界无数人的心。
The lyrics resonate with themes of love, loss, and the importance of remembering those who have passed on. 歌词传达了爱、失落以及怀念逝去亲人的重要性。
When Miguel sings, "Remember me, though I have to say goodbye. Remember me, don't let it make you cry," he captures the universal sentiment of longing for immortality through memories. 当米格尔唱出“请记住我,即使我要与你说再见。请记住我,不要让它让你哭泣。”时,他抓住了人类长久以来对通过记忆实现永生的共同渴望。
The haunting melody and emotional lyrics of the song serve as a melancholic reminder of the impermanence of life. 歌曲中令人难忘的旋律和感人的歌词,仿佛在提醒着生命的无常。
At its core, "Remember Me" is a celebration of the enduring power of memory to keep loved
ones close, even after they are no longer physically present. 在根本上,《战歌coco》是对记忆力量的庆祝,即使亲人不再在身边,记忆也能让他们靠近。
It is a poignant reminder that no matter how fleeting life may be, the memories we create can last forever in the hearts of those we leave behind. 这是一个令人感伤的提醒,无论生命多么短暂,我们创造的记忆都能永存于留守者的心中。